Day 64: T-minus 6 days

Nihar Singhal
A Founder’s Journey
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1 min readAug 2, 2016

We have 6 days to launch and everything seems to be on schedule. Our Kickstarter project was approved yesterday (yay!) and our samples will arrive tomorrow. Fingers crossed they blow us away.

Another major thing we got out of the way that’s been on my mind is coming to terms with our friends in LA for doing our Kickstarter production. When we initially started working with them two months ago it was only on the product development side — getting patterns made, testing different washes, and making samples. We put off the discussion about production to allow both sides to see if we liked working with one another. I’m happy to say that it’s been a pleasure working with them and yesterday we finalized our agreement to continue working together. It’s a huge weight lifted off my mind as production is one of the major parts of our business and one that makes me most nervous. Working with people I trust and like goes a long way to putting my mind at ease.

A Founder’s Journey is a daily blog about launching a startup from day 1. Follow along here and if you’re enjoying the journey please “heart” the posts so more people can discover it!



Nihar Singhal
A Founder’s Journey

Founder at Scale Denim. Live in Brooklyn. Love soccer, traveling, and food.