Freeletics — Weeks 3 + 4

Imran Esmail
A Freeletics Journey
3 min readAug 26, 2014


Today, marks my 4th completed week of Freeletics and this past week has not been easy as I have been away at an all inclusive resort in Cancun for a wedding.

I still managed to complete at-least 4 routines per week.

Here was my schedule over the last 2 weeks:

  • Tuesday: Aphrodite (33:37)
  • Thursday: Sit-up Max (115) + Push-up Max (62)
  • Friday: Dione (57:17)
  • Sunday: Aphrodite (37:53)
  • Monday: Helios (1:08:54)
  • Tuesday: Poseidon (14:49)
  • Sunday: Aphrodite (43:23)
  • Monday: Dione (56:54)

Before and After Photos

Everyone loves before and after photos so here are mine to show my slow but steady progress since starting Freeletics.

I’ve always been athletic and thought I was in pretty good shape but then recently I started to pickup more injuries while playing sports.

I came to realize that my body was misaligned, I had range of motion issues, and I wasn’t in the greatest shape despite playing sports 2–3x per week.

These were contributing to the increase in injuries.

Overdeveloped Muscle Groups

At the gym, we tend to focus on exercises that we are good at. For me this was anything chest related and I think it’s one of the problems with starting with weight training as a beginner.

We work on what we want as opposed to what we should.

I’d much rather be pounding out an easy 150 pound bench press set and looking like a boss than struggling to get up for 3 more pull-ups.

This showed up when doing my max sets where you can see I rank in the top 4 for push-ups but not even in the ranking for sit-ups.

Moreover, from the photos, you can see that the gains I experienced in the first 4 weeks were mainly in the development of my back as opposed to my chest.

This gives me all the more reason to continue with Freeletics and the max reps leader-board serves as a good barometer for which muscle groups and exercises I am following behind on.

That is enough for this week, if you want to keep up with my progress, you can follow along by clicking the link below:

Follow my Freeletics Journey

If you are looking for a meal plan and full routine for Freeletics, I have provided the link below. The meal plan I use is the same but I have modified the routine for my own goals and weaknesses.

Click Here to Download a Freeletics Routine

Imran Esmail writes at Escape Your Desk Job where through stories and case studies he shares methods you can use to cut out distractions, implement sustainable habits and ultimately build the life you’ve always wanted.

If you are looking for hacks to be more productive, join his free newsletter.

