Educate Yourself About the Black Massacres in Tulsa and Rosewood

Unfortunately, these aren’t things you learn in school.

Oren Cohen
The Geek Writer
Published in
7 min readJun 8, 2020


Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

With everything going on in America right now, Twitter is full of hate, racism, anger, and a lot of nonsense. But, if you look hard enough, you will find a tweet that will educate you on something new. Like this one from Trevor Noah:

Kimberly, the speaker, taught me about two places in America that massive massacres of black people happened in and were partially covered up over the years: Rosewood and Tulsa.

Now, full disclosure: I don’t live in America. I’m not even an American citizen. But, many of my readers are based in America, and I also think that racism is not exclusive to the United States.

Everywhere where black people are not considered equal is a place where people need to educate themselves about these injustices.

My best friend, Brennan lee Mulligan, retweeted the above tweet, and that’s how I found it. I’m paying that forward by writing this article and sharing it…

