Some Updates About The Geek Writer

#FiveDragons will continue next week, I promise!

Oren Cohen
The Geek Writer
2 min readJul 24, 2020


Photo: Licensed on iStock.

Hi there, Dragons!

How are you doing today?

Usually, on Fridays, I send #FiveDragons, which is my weekly update about five things that I found interesting to share this past week. This Friday, we’ll not be doing that. I have a few updates for you about my creative journey!

I started a YouTube Channel

It’s a new journey for me to share my words in video form. I don’t know how this will work out, but I believe that my words have a place on YouTube as well.

The plan right now is to produce one video a week, perhaps on Fridays.

It would be an honor for me if you dragons chose to be the first subscribers on the channel!

But it won’t be the only thing that changes in my creative journey.

I now use a content funnel

One thing I learned pretty early on is that if you’re not consistent about your schedule and production, you will get lost in the creative process.

Over the last couple of weeks, I started publishing on a schedule of three times a week. Two of those times are fully-fledged articles. The third is my #FiveDragons newsletter.

So, the way I’m integrating YouTube into the mix is by using what is called a content funnel. It’s a special board on Trello that brings me from the idea level to production on several platforms.

I will write an article next week about how all of that works and how you can use it too.

The Dragon’s Empire Sub-Reddit

I opened a subreddit for The Dragon’s Empire, where I’ll share content specific for the fantasy world. I will publish stories in this newsletter as well, but for now, this feels more like a blog. So, we’ll see as I create more content.

Please feel free to comment and say whether you would like to see more fantasy stories shared as emails here!

Join the subreddit here: The Dragon’s Empire Subreddit.

Thank You!

Those were the significant updates I had for you today. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you so much for being here on this journey with me!

Much love,


Originally published at

