Weekend Writing Prompt

Tell us about a time when a video game affected your personal life.

Oren Cohen
The Geek Writer
1 min readAug 29, 2020


Photo: iStock

The Geek Writer on Medium is looking to expand and host words from wonderful, geeky writers.

In this writing prompt, we want to know about a video game that influenced your personal life. Tell us what happened in the game, how it influenced your life, and what was the outcome? Did you change something about your life because of that experience?

You may submit until Monday, Aug. 31st, 23:59 PM, EST.

If you are a writer for The Geek Writer, submit the story with the tag GeekPrompt.

If you’re not a writer for us and want to join, please feel free to send an email to blog[at]thegeekwriter.com and send us an unpublished draft.

I can’t wait to see your stories!

Enjoy your weekend,


