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Gentle Zacharias
A gentle cult
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2021

‘Lo child,

Welcome to the Gentle Cult. You might have noticed the world ending outside your window recently — well, we noticed a long time ago, and we’ve been mapping the wasteland. Got a little guidebook and everything. Here are some things we’ve found in the rubble this week:

Booty Roll

We know you depend upon us to regularly top off your Booty Meter, in accordance with the demands of Booty Ghost, whom we venerate.

This week’s standout booty is that of Sarsya, another of a handful of succubi we’ve been 3D printing and painting lately. Sink into her depthless eyes with more pics on Instagram.

Cult activity

Congregants will be delighted to hear that the Gentle Cult has conquered new territory! A technologically advanced island has succumbed to our blandishments, although we have to be honest… it’s only about the size of a Pop-Tart.

This was a lengthy project inspired by my childhood obsession with Myst. It was the first game I ever finished, at about seven years old, and there’s something about this island that feels like home to me. The back of the piece features a painting of the Star Fissure and falling Linking Book from the intro to the game — that narration still plays in my dreams sometimes.

Check out more close-up pictures and video, including the painting on the back, on Instagram.

We’re also working on a new 3D printing project that we’ll announce in its full form next week. Here’s a preview:

This week’s sermons

Death and Other Distractionsgentlezacharias.medium.com

Disconnected musings on suicidal depression and stumbling toward mental health.

“But you’re so good with people!”gentlezacharias.medium.com

Trauma gives you social superpowers… and forbids you from using them.

Continue reading on Medium »



Gentle Zacharias
A gentle cult

We rant about art, philosophy, mental health, and over-analyze videogames. 3D printing, poetry, and rituals to Booty Ghost may also occur. www.gentlecult.com