Member-only story
Please, Take My Children
They’re piling up
‘Lo child!
We’re just knee-deep in anklebiters here, which as you can imagine is very hazardous for the lower extremities. One of those things they don’t tell you about the post-apocalypse is how many unattached kids you’ll notice roaming around, just stray children whose parents are still trying to pretend the world hasn’t ended!
Like all the rest of us, today’s kids are unable to count on the structures and institutions they were told were inviolate. They can’t assume that any adult knows what they’re doing, or can protect them from harm, or will tell them the truth. They can expect any day to be drafted into the culture war, and if they’re lucky, their recruiter will just be someone who wants to bleed them for cash. If they’re unlucky, it’ll be someone who wants to brainwash them into believing the earth is flat and some colors of humans are worth more than others. Those beliefs are apparently comorbid, by the way, because it turns out you have to be pretty stupid to be racist.
That, again, is kind of why I’m writing Sects. It’s — well look, it’s all right there on the front page.