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A glance on cont/arts
Some personal points of view on visual contemporary arts
The disorientation of the senses in the electronic arts
The disorientation of the senses in the electronic arts
The advent of the electronic age has also affected the arts world, sometimes with unpredictable outcomes, and often not fully investigated…
Enrico Tomaselli
Aug 18, 2014
The language of the moving image
The language of the moving image
Lacked very little to the discovery of America, when Leonardo da Vinci began his studies on the projection by means of lenses, developing…
Enrico Tomaselli
Jul 25, 2014
The disappearance of the image
The disappearance of the image
Enrico Tomaselli
May 3, 2014
The other side of digital divide
The other side of digital divide
Enrico Tomaselli
Mar 20, 2014
Art in the age of its ubiquitous availability
Art in the age of its ubiquitous availability
Reflexions on new millennium’s museum
Enrico Tomaselli
Feb 10, 2014
On how (public) art produces social changes
On how (public) art produces social changes
The needs of a vision
Enrico Tomaselli
Feb 5, 2014
Public art: function or fiction?
Public art: function or fiction?
A case study
Enrico Tomaselli
Feb 2, 2014
About A glance on cont/arts
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