christina and her brothers

Who Can You Gift Freedom To?

Red Dirt Shop
3 min readNov 8, 2013

Are you in the 1% when it comes to freedom? When you dream of being free, does that mean freedom from things like debt, a relationship, a cubicle, cold weather, extra weight or perhaps where you live? Yeah, I dream of freedom from things like that, too.

Veteran’s Day is on Monday the 11th, and I always try to reflect on freedom, and offer some gratitude. In the picture above, I was barely 21 when I graduated from Air Force Officer Training School. I only did one tour, but two of my brothers pictured here both retired after many years of sacrifice to our country, both by them and their families. (We have another brother, David, who is a photographer I mentioned in my last blog. Hey, every family needs an artist to keep the balance ;) I credit our dad with instilling patriotism in all of us. You might not like his politics, but he flat out loves our country, and taught us about service before self.

I thought I had a pretty darn good grasp and appreciation of freedom. But that was before I was exposed firsthand to “work one, eat one.” For 2.4 billion people who live on less than $2 a day, they’re concerned with being able to work for a day, so they and their family can eat that day. This is before they worry about freedom from illness,trekking for water or illiteracy.

There are those seeking freedom from fear. Dawn is preparing for a trip to Uganda next month to work at her beloved St. Mary Kevin orphanage. Many of these children’s parents were violently, senselessly killed due to the two-decade long war between the government and the Lord’s Resistance Army. The horrors they survived are unimaginable. The children of this orphanage want freedom from harm, nightmares and abandonment.

There were times in America’s past when the environment was not unlike what I’ve described. But we were able to move forward and evolve, due to our military veterans, and all those who have served as a freedom fighter of one kind or another. And now we can all continue to work together to help grasp freedom for those 2.4 billion. From lifetime sacrifices, to simply the choices we make every day with our purchases.

This Veteran’s Day, I offer my deepest gratitude to those who serve others before themselves:

My brothers Paul (right) and Michael (center), for their decades of service to our country., for working to free millions from water insecurity.

The volunteers of Medical Missions Foundation, who travel thousands of miles to free people from ailments.

Those working every day at St. Mary Kevin orphanage to raise parentless children with freedom from fear.

And you, for acts of love you give to others to free them from loneliness, hunger, apathy or perhaps oppression. Who can you free today?

~ Christina Eldridge, CEO



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