Deploy R Studio on Oracle Cloud

Nicholas Toscano
A Guide to Oracle Cloud AI
3 min readNov 8, 2023


R Studio can be deplopyed in a container through Oracle Cloud Resource Managers. This is easy and quick to do. Let me show you how.

Sign into Oracle Cloud Console. If you don’t see “Deploy R Studio in a container” listed under Quickstarts, then you will need to go to Resource Manager.

Click the hamburger button in the upper left corner of the console page. This will open up the resource menu.

In the search bar, type in keyword “Stacks” or keywords “Resource Manager”. You should see “Stacks” in the search result. Click “Stacks”.

This will take you to the Resource Manager page for deploying Terraform stacks. On this page, select “Create a Stack”.

This will open a new menu. This menu provides various options for deploying a resource using Terraform. Select the radial for “Templates”.

A card for “Stack Configuraiton” will appear. Click on “Select Template”.

This will open a menu with included templates. Here will see a tab called “Quickstarts”. Scroll down a little ways and choose “RStudio”. Click “Select Template”.

Back on the page for “Create a Stack”, scroll down and provide a name and description of your choice. Ensure you are deploying RStudio in the correct compartment. Provide tags. Select Next.

You are now on the page to configure variables. You will need to provide the username (admin by default) and a password.

Review your configuration. At the bottom of the page, check the box for “Run Apply”. This will kick off the job. Finally, click “Create”.

The stack will begin deployment. This takes around 5–10 minutes. You can find the status under the Resource Manager menu. Click on “Jobs”. A list of jobs that have been run in this compartment will appear.

Identify your job for RStudio. You can click on the job card to review the job details.

On the “Job Details” page, you can review the stack information. Scroll down to Logs. Under Logs you can review information about the job. This is where you will find error information if the job fails. If the job succeeded, you can scroll to the bottom of the logs. The public ip for R Studio will be provided under the section called “Outputs”.

You can also find the ip address on the R Studio instance page. To do this, go back to the hamburger menu. Select “Compute” and then “Instances”. Select the R Studio instance and review the information.

Enter the ip address into your web browser. You should be taken to the R Studio sign in page. Enter your username and password. R Studio should be ready.


Here is a demo in real time:



Nicholas Toscano
A Guide to Oracle Cloud AI

I have about 20 years of experience as a national security professional.