
Sophie Flores
A Healthy Dialogue
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2019

Welcome to our health and wellness dialogue. This is a space where we gather together in our journey to become the next best version of ourselves.

Maybe you’re at a point of crisis with how you feel on a day to day basis. You may feel that your weeks are getting away from you. You are not happy with the way you look or feel but you don’t have time to think about fixing it as you are fighting a daily battle you never remember waging for yourself.

Maybe you’re someone who on the surface is living a good life but are holding on to specific challenges that you don’t think are significant enough to let anyone know that or even admit to yourself that you are struggling with them. Health is a very personal thing, but the smallest things are keeping you from your fullest potential. Because it’s never just weight. It’s never just a mental disorder. It’s never just aging. There’s always more going on in your body on every level and in every system, whether that’s in your gut, your heart, your reproductive organs, your brain, your skin.

All of us have problems with our bodies, our brains, our energy. Many of us have ailments or pains that we’ve carried with us for such a long time, we can’t even imagine life without them.

Where to begin when we know at some point we’ve got to take control of our health but maybe we’re resistant to change? It begins with being honest with yourself that your current habits are not effective in bringing you the life or body you want.

Our bodies are not everything, but they are the only vessel we get in this life. It is a gift and a learning tool. It is often a reflection of much more than our physical-material wellbeing but what is happening in your mind and spirit.

Wellness is more than just the absence of disease or a body that is thinner or stronger. It’s the ability to bring vitality and energy to your work and relationships. It means you have more fun, more intimacy, more attention to what matters.

You cannot reach your dreams without your health. In fact, I think working on yourself and your being able to enjoy life is half the battle to personal success.

There are two different journeys in which I would like to assist you. First, you must take consistent action to apply scientific principles to change your health circumstances. But even more it’s about accepting this assignment from nature or the universe or the creator who gave you your body, shifting your identity to become the type of person who rules over this area of their life. It requires a new mindset to manifest your best body and keep it.

This blog is a companion in the healing process. Substituting what is healthy for what is unhealthy is a liberating experience and must not only happen in the physical realm but in the way you love yourself and others. This is the making of sustainable habits for longevity, for you to enjoy life once and for all, not held back by physical barriers or dragged down by lack of resources.

Let me ask you, how do you feel? How do you feel about your body? Is there something in or on your body that you wish wasn’t there? Do you have aches and pains that keep coming back to ruin your day? Has there been a history of health issues in your family you want to avoid?

What aspects of health are important for you at this stage in your life? Is it performance, living longer, looking better, protecting yourself from disease, recovering from a chronic health challenge, or having a sharper mind?

Personally, I want to have the mental acuity, focus and attention to learn pieces and play piano again. To learn new languages fast. I want to be at my healthiest weight, to wear my clothes better. I want my skin to glow rather than keep it at its current state. I want to have the strength and mobility to practice martial arts and dance again. I don’t want to be underweight anymore. I want to be rid of all chronic illness.

What is your vision for you health and your body? What does your best day look like, and what do you have to do to have that day, every day? How can better health contribute to your purpose on this Earth? These are all things I’d like to know and help you figure out the answers to along the way. So let me know because this is designed to be a dialogue. Really think about where you are and where you want to be. Then invest time into educating yourself. Health follows knowledge and wisdom. They shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to the bones.

Hope this helps.

