Chapter 4, Part 2: The “Discovery” Of Earth and The Establishment of Gold Mining Operations

A History Of The Multiverse
8 min readAug 31, 2017

450,000 YA: Alalu sped away from Nibiru, fleeing the Annunaki territory in one of the few remaining mining ships, which was equipped with both lasers and nuclear warheads, for this was one of the ships that had been outfitted for bombing the volcanoes as well.

Wanting to put as much distance between him and his former subjects as possible, he set his course for the Forbidden Zone, the area of our Solar System that lay in between the asteroid belt and the sun — forbidden because the passage through the Hammered Bracelet was so perilous.

He kept record of his flight and recorded his impressions of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter as he passed them on his way.

His ship was also equipped with instruments able to detect different kinds of mineral content and, with his mind on a possible way to redeem himself among his people, he scanned these planets for the much-needed gold, but to no avail.

Using some of the weapons on board his ship, he managed to blast a passageway through the asteroids, the first of his people to do so. He then passed Mars, red and desolate and also devoid of significant amounts of gold, and at last beheld Earth, named Ki by the Annunaki, gleaming like a blue jewel in space.

At this point his instruments went crazy as they detected the vast amounts of gold embedded in the planet’s crust. He went closer to the planet to confirm the readings and was caught in its gravity well and, unable to pull himself out of the gravitational spiral, he descended to the surface.

Using his mining equipment, he confirmed the presence of the precious metal his people so desperately needed and it was with visions of redemption and glory in his mind, that Alalu sent a message to Nibiru with his ship’s transmitter, announcing his great discovery and proclaiming his right to be King once again because of it.

All of this was observed with curiosity by the other intelligent inhabitants of the Earth.

The Nacaals, living in 5D Shamballa and in 4D Lower Shamballa, the Namlu’u, multi-dimensional guardians of our precious Living Library, and the Pleidian group, who were mostly living underground — all of these groups saw Alalu land, and picked up not only the communication back to his home planet, but also the intentions of his heart.

They discerned that while he was indeed a somewhat petty and power-hungry individual, his concern for his people was genuine, so they decided to wait and see what played out and did not interfere or make their presence known to him.

Back on Nibiru, upon receiving the momentous communication from Alalu, Anu called together his council. Some were inclined to ignore the message from the deposed ruler, saying that it was farce, saying that he was hiding somewhere on Nibiru. so the scientists were brought in to decode the origins of the transmission and they confirmed that the source was from beyond the Hammered Bracelet.

Upon hearing this, the general consensus was that if there was even the slightest chance that this news was genuine, then they must act to confirm it, but who would go?

Ea (Anu’s son, who was married to Alalu’s daughter, Damkina), stood up and volunteered himself to lead an expedition to Ki, to find out the truth of Alalu’s report, saying that he might be the best one to establish peace with Alalu, given that he was his son-in-law.

In answer to the claim of rightful kingship, Anu decreed that if his report turned out to be true, if Alalu had indeed discovered gold, then Anu would travel to Ki himself and there wrestle him once again, to determine who should be the King on Nibiru.

These decisions were then transmitted back to Alalu on Ki. After giving it some thought he decided to agree to this proposal, confident that he would be able to defeat Anu if given a second chance. This set in motion a chain of events that would lead to the creation of us Homo Sapiens, about 150,000 Earth years from this time.

445,000 YA: Prince Ea and his expedition of 50 fellow Annunaki have completed the journey to Earth and set up operations there.

Aided by Alalu’s description of how he blasted his way through the asteroid belt, they armed their ships with what is described in the clay tablets as a “water blaster”. I’m not sure what this actually was but it seems probable that a high pressure jet of water in the vacuum of space could be effective for moving asteroids.

A lot of their technology seems to have been fueled by “water”, but whether that was normal water, or something else that they referred to as “water”, is unclear. Whatever the case, their blaster worked, for they were able to pass through and complete the journey unharmed.

They used up most of their water in this effort though and had to get more in order to complete the journey. Upon passing Mars they noted the ice caps at the poles, and discovered that there were still some rivers and lakes on the surface. After determining that the gravitational pull of the planet was not too great as to prevent them from leaving again, they landed and restocked their water supply before continuing on their way.

When they got to Earth they splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf and were greeted there by Alalu.

Over the following months and years they slowly settled in and explored the area, but the adaptation to their new home wasn’t easy. To them, the Earth had insanely short day and year cycles. There is record of the Annunaki being terrified by the first sunrise they saw, never before having seen the sun appear so huge and red on the horizon!

Eventually they established the first Annunaki city of Eridu, in the region that is now known as Iraq, and Alalu was given command of this territory, although for the time being, Ea still had command of the overall mission.

As for the gold extraction, their first idea was to try extracting the metal from the waters of the region, a much easier process than mining gold from the ground and one that could be achieved solely through the use of machines, but they did not end up with much gold to show for their effort.

Nevertheless, it was decided that what they had collected should be sent back to Nibiru as proof that there was indeed gold to be had, and so that the efficacy of using Earth’s gold as a suspended particulate matter in Nibiru’s atmosphere could be confirmed.

A pilot named Abgal was chosen to fly the gold back to the home planet in Alalu’s old ship and upon inspecting the ship for his upcoming journey Abgal discovered a couple nukes in portable stasis fields remaining in the ship’s hold. He reported this to Ea and together they hid the Weapons Of Great Terror in a cave high in the mountains, after which Ea, who wasn’t sure if all his kin and crew should be aware of the weapon’s existence, asked Abgal not tell anyone about the nukes.

Then Abgal returned to Nibiru, where testing confirmed that the gold from Earth could indeed be suspended in the atmosphere.

Since extracting gold from the water was proving to be frustratingly inefficient, Ea went looking for a good location to set up mining operations. He skimmed the land in one of the mining ships, it’s sensors tuned to pick up traces of the precious metal and, in what is now called North Africa, he hit the jackpot! Deep underground there were vast quantities of gold.

He returned to Eridu and began the process of transferring men and equipment to the location, which he named Abzu.

The timing of his discovery was auspicious, for Nibiru was passing relatively close to the Earth at the time and Ilu, the heir apparent and Ea’s older half-brother, had decided to make a trip to our planet to see his little brother and to inspect operations.

Upon arrival, Ilu was greeted by Ea with news of the great find in Africa and he rejoiced and congratulated his half-brother, but he was also someone who had trouble taking the backseat (and honestly, was somewhat of a prick) and he started making plans, even though the mission was under Ea’s command.

Ilu was inspired by the vast amounts of gold under the ground and figured that if it was there, then there must be more elsewhere. He had the idea to establish similar mining camps across the globe. He also had the idea to bring some of the Igigi, the giant worker race of the Annunaki, to Earth in order to assist with mining.

The Igigi , descendants of the original 12 genetically engineered crossbreed “children” of An and Tiamat, were indeed valuable workers. There had been many interesting mutations in this race over the millenniums, both through evolution and genetic manipulation on the part of the Annunaki scientists, which gave them a great variety of forms.

Some had the torsos of humanoids which flowed down into a giant serpent’s body instead of legs. Or humanoid legs with many serpentine tentacle-like arms. These creatures would become known in Greek myth as The Gigantes, The Cyclops, The Hundred-Handed Ones. They were incredibly strong, 20–30 feet tall and loyal to their masters, making them ideal workers.

Imagining the vast amount of gold potentially available on this planet and with his head filled with dreams of vast mining operations, Ilu got so caught up in his plans that he forgot that this was not actually his mission to command!

When Ea gently asserted that, while the ideas were good ones, this was actually his mission, Ilu reacted poorly. He was, after all, the heir and used to having his way (and again… prickish) but still, his angry rebuttal of Ea’s assertion was out of line and the argument escalated. It got pretty ugly but eventually they managed to agree on summoning their father to settle it. This was the beginning of a rivalry between these half-brothers that would literally grow to biblical proportions.

And so the king Anu made his first visit to Earth; firstly, to determine the role of each of his sons in the new colony and second, to make good on his promise to once again meet Alalu in single combat to determine who would be the rightful king of the Annunaki on Nibiru.

This is just one article in a long publication that details historical events in our Multiverse, Galaxy, and on our planet that are relevant to our current situation. To go to the main publication page CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom to start at the beginning.

