Chapter 5, Part 2: The Fall Of Atlantis and MU and the Great Flood

A History Of The Multiverse
11 min readAug 31, 2017

The fall of these great civilizations culminated in the event referred to in the Bible, and in many other religious texts and indigenous histories, as The Great Flood, or The Great Cataclysm, but there was a very long, slow decline over the 40,000 years that preceded this dramatic desolation.

40,000 years is still a really long time! A lot of that time was still basically good, and of course there were many ups and downs, but the general trend in Atlantis was one of a decline in the exploration of consciousness and an increase in science, technology and military development.

This was mostly due to the influence of the 15 dark, multi-dimensional beings, who we will refer to as the Cabal from here on out. The Nacaals and Maya were too strong for the Cabal to simply take over, so instead they inserted themselves into the society and quietly, persistently worked to further their agenda through creating more and more left-brained technical “marvels”, which were seductive to the common folk and which influenced a general trend towards valuing technology and craftsmanship over the development of consciousness.

As they have done since time immemorial on this planet, they slowly infiltrated the ranks of power until there were members of the Cabal within all the power structures except the inner circle of Nacaals — playing the game but steadily working towards their own agenda of control and military might.

They also met with the Draco who were mostly under the Earth at this time in Agartha, and discovered that their agendas and polarities were aligned. This began the beginning of a long alliance that exists to this day. Many people think that the Draco are the Cabal, but they are only part of it.

Atlantis steadily became more and more militaristic and interested in overseeing the development of the whole globe, and MU began to isolate itself to protect the more spiritual inhabitants of that land from the corrupting influence of the Cabal’s agenda. Over time the two lands became polarized and divided. Skirmishes, and eventually full-out wars, began to break out between them.

Seeing where all this was headed, and because of the lower vibratory rate that was painful to them, the Nacaals began to distance themselves more and more from the 3rd Density Earth and returned to Shamballa, which was still floating above the Earth, and to other 5th Density bases on Venus. Various higher-consciousness groups from MU and Atlantis also fled into the Earth and the expanding 4D Agarthan civilization, in order to escape the increasing conflict on the surface.

13,000 YA — Enlil has been on Nibiru for some time now and only occasionally visited the Earth, where Enki was still in residence.

One night, his astronomers informed him that they had discovered that the next time Nibiru passed close to the Sun, the trajectories of it and the Earth’s orbits would bring the two planets perilously close together, which would undoubtedly trigger massive natural disasters on the Earth’s surface.

Nibiru would be affected as well, but it was not a very watery planet, not really a planet at all remember, but a long-smoldering star, so it would not be subject to the same kind of tectonic effects and resulting water displacement.

This was music to Enlil’s ears. Not only was the world descending more and more into turmoil, but with 21 other races stirring up the gene pool, and with the intermixing of Annunaki blood with the blood of Homo Sapiens and other species, he felt that the Earth experiment had failed. He welcomed this opportunity to “cleanse the Earth” and start over again, and so he forbade his scientists from informing anyone else about the impending calamity.

Enki though, he was a scientist as well, and he regularly observed the stars, the planets, and their orbits from Earth, and so he came to the same realizations as Enlil’s scientists had, but when he communicated his discovery to Enlil he was dismayed, for his half-brother then placed upon him the same restriction as he had placed upon his science division.

But Enki, now very different from his half-brother due to all the time he had put into developing his consciousness, loved his people and the civilizations of Earth too much to stay silent. He informed the Maya of the impending calamity and they quietly began to collect DNA from the plants and animals of Earth and to place these genetic seeds in an “Ark”, which was actually a spacecraft not a boat. However, submersible vessels were also constructed for the people to take refuge in when the time came. The head engineer of this whole project was named Noah.

The Nacaals, who already knew all about this impending side-swipe by Nibiru, and a few high-ranking Maya also took it upon themselves to start preparing the Earth energetically, for the Nacaals foresaw a looming collapse not just in civilization, but in consciousness as well. They began constructing sacred temples all over the Earth, mainly pyramids, which they would later use to build and maintain a new consciousness grid, should the existing one totally collapse.

This is the time during which the Great Pyramids of Giza were built — before the flood — which is why sea salt and marine fossils have been found on and in the Egyptian pyramids.

There’s a reason why all the modern theories about how the pyramids were built are problematic and it’s because they are all wrong! The Pyramids were actually manifested, whole and complete in the 6th Density by the Nacaals, then they simply lowered the structures’ vibratory rate down to the 3rd Density where they became stone. This is how they were so precisely aligned as well — not a problem when you do it all at once.

This was all kept quiet from the general populace but the Cabal, thanks to their far-reaching influence and high placement in administrative and religious offices, knew about it before too long, and they decided to take their own approach to the problem.

They had, long ago harnessed 5th density energy and constructed an artificial Merkaba weapon on Maldek that had the power to blast a planet out of the sky, and which had ended up blasting their own planet out of the sky! One would think that they might have learned from their previous disaster, but the Cabal are nothing if not arrogant.

Some records of the device still remained and the Cabal scientists were confident that with those documents and their own innovation they could construct such a weapon again, especially given the Tree of Life energy vortex that was integrated into the continent which gave them an easy source of energy to work with.

So on Atlantis, as Enki and the Maya worked to preserve life and civilization after the inevitable catastrophe, The Cabal worked to avoid it entirely by building a terrible weapon capable of destroying Nibiru before it got too close.

On MU the people were prepared in a different way. Forewarned by the Nacaals and by others with consciousness that had developed enough for them to see through time, the people of MU began to move their settlements from the coastal areas they had always inhabited up into the mountainous regions of MU, and also into the underground civilization of Agartha.

12,500 YA: The best way to sum up the Cataclysm would be to say that just about everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

There had been intermittent war between Atlantis and MU for almost 1000 years at this point and both lands had suffered damage.

The Nacaals sensed what the Cabal was up to and had urged the Maya cast to take action, but the Maya were up to their necks already trying to preserve the life on Earth in the face of the impending calamity — collecting and preserving DNA strains and overseeing the construction of vessels as well as making contact and negotiation with various inner Earth groups. They sent some priests to check out the activity in the Cabal’s sector, but if the Cabal were ever good at anything, it was keeping a secret.

So the Nacaals turned to the warrior caste of the Lemurian people and implored them to launch some special-ops missions into the Cabal’s labs, to try and sabotage the development of the weapon, which they did.

Just a note here — Though they had made exceptions in the past, the Nacaals were generally hesitant to take sides or influence events in any way, so what gives with this outright encouragement of an act of war?

They were desperate, that’s why. They could see down the probable timelines and they almost all pointed to something VERY bad. Bad not just for the Earth, but for the whole of Creation (because of the importance of the Earth — remember she holds a major piece of Divine Feminine Energy).

The raids were partially successful, in that they did manage to slow down the Cabal’s plans, but they were massively unsuccessful in another way. The Cabal used the attack on their labs to stir up outrage among some of the more militarily minded factions of Atlantis (whom they had been allies with for thousands of years already) and basically used the incident as pretext for stirring up war between the two continents.

So amid secret preparations for sustaining life, mass migrations of people in MU, development of a secret weapon by the Cabal, and a giant planet heading in to almost sideswipe the Earth, now there was warfare in the mix as well — even some nukes were used by Atlantis which began to destabilize the entire geographic region of MU.

As the Nibiru got closer, and the effects began to be noticed on the tides, the Cabal turned on their planet-killer.

Now here’s the thing about this kind of technology — it’s very unstable and dangerous. It takes precise calculations and instrumentation, the most refined construction and attention to detail. The Cabal scientists were very good, but it had been, in their time, about 50,000 years since they had last built something like this, and they had never attempted to construct such a device in the 3rd Density.

They were working from fragments of old plans, and in their pride and vanity not only did they not think about their limitations of understanding and that there might be crucial holes in their plans, they also didn’t realize that because the energy grid they were tapping to power their machine had been created solely with consciousness and love, it would not be a good vibratory match for their creation, which was intended to destroy. It had worked ok in the lower energy testing phases, but when they turned the thing on and cranked it up in preparation to fire, things went sideways very, very quickly.

First there was a massive earthquake, which destroyed much of Atlantis and began it’s slide into the sea. It even reached as far as MU and destabilized that continental plate even more.

Nibiru’s massive magnetic field then began to push on Earth’s magnetic field, beginning a shift in the magnetic poles. Upon seeing this, obsessed with their objective, and secure in their own personal safety, the Cabal fired upon Nibiru.


The resulting devastation didn’t harm Nibiru at all, the energy of the weapon didn’t even make it past Earth’s upper atmosphere, but it totally wreaked havoc on Earth — most of the rest of the Atlantean cities were immediately destroyed as a result of the physical explosion and the continent sank beneath the sea. And, because of the nature of the technology involved, the explosion was metaphysical as well.

A rift was torn open in Creation and the creatures of the Void, the Asuras, were let into our plane of existence, where they immediately attached themselves to the energy fields of whomever was around. The Nacaals, who were having a busy day to say the least, managed to send much of that parasitic energy back to it’s plane and close the rift, but the damage had been done.

The demons had attached to members of the Cabal and to the common citizens of the sinking Atlantis and it was now part of their energy field and could not be easily or quickly pulled out without destroying, or severely damaging the host. Think about trying to pull out a tick — a chunk of your flesh will come with it if you don’t do it in the most careful, gentle way and with the right technique. It’s the same with the Asuras — they can be removed but it’s a delicate procedure and the Nacaals had their hands full with so much else.

The way that the Cabal experienced that energy attaching was as a rush of increased power, for they were already aligned with that vibration.

The common folk though, they experienced that energy as an increase in survival terror and as pervasive negative thought loops that mostly vibrated hostility and a sense of, “I shouldn’t exist here, and so neither should anything else”. Many were driven mad with terror, or turned violent.

Many, many people were affected by these demonic energies and the imprints and negative thought/emotion loops that they established in the etheric field and psyche are still all around us today.

But all of that was just the beginning of the Cataclysm. Then the poles shifted.

The magnetic intensity of Niribu’s proximity not only nudged the Earth’s magnetic field out of whack, it also heated up the interior of the Earth, and the mantle liquefied to the point that the Earth’s crust became slippery. So when the poles suddenly and dramatically shifted, so did the continental plates, causing the Great Flood.

Giant tsunamis thousands of feet tall rippled around the globe. And not only that, there was such severe and bizarre weather phenomenon that some places, including Atlantis, were flash frozen even as they were submerged. The islands of MU were completely wiped out and much of the continental plate that held them up sank into the ocean

When it was all over the globe looked basically as it does today, the Earth we are familiar with.

Many people did survive — the Lemurians who had migrated high into the mountains or deep under the Earth and the Atlanteans who had made it into the submersibles after the first earthquake; and the Ark survived as well. It carried the DNA of most of the plant and animal life of Earth and it also carried the highest ranking members of the Maya, and some of those whom had ascended to honorary Nacaal status, who would play a huge role in helping clean up the mess and reestablish civilization later on.

We had lived, during the Golden Age, as a great multi-density civilization, focused on creating beauty and developing our sciences and consciousness. Now, after the Cataclysm, most people left on the surface were living in survival mode. Driven by desperate circumstances and invasive Asuric energies, we regressed to a more primitive tribal existence.

There were some exceptions. Those who had made it into Agartha would continue to thrive and develop underground. Some settled in existing cities, and others were given permission to build their own.

Many of the tribes of MU who had fled to the mountains preserved their ancient wisdom and lived in peaceful cultures in the islands of the South Pacific and in areas of South America, though some of these folks also fell prey to the Asuric energy, which started to encourage dark religious practices involving human sacrifice. And then there were the Nacaals in Shamballa, and the Maya group in their Ark, floating above the Earth.

But there was also the Cabal, most of whom had survived, and even had their dark energy increased by the Asuras. They rode out the Cataclysm in their enormous ships which were now buried deep under the ice in Antarctica, and the general vibe of fear and survival which permeated the Earth after this great plunge in civilization and consciousness was an opening for them to step fully into power, which is where they have been ever since.

This is just one article in a long publication that details historical events in our Multiverse, Galaxy, and on our planet that are relevant to our current situation. To go to the main publication page CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom to start at the beginning.

