Chapter 6, Part 2: The Vril, The Nazis, and The Reemergence Of Extraterrestrial Technology

A History Of The Multiverse
8 min readAug 31, 2017

NOTE: From this point on all historical events recounted come from first-hand reports of various insiders as well as historical documents and photographs.

Ironically, in some ways I trust the information that preceded this point more than the following because all the history that I have recounted up til now came through channeling, personal soul memory, so called “myth”, and archaeological discoveries.

Given the number of factions at play in chapter 6, the various agendas, and the deliberate use of misinformation and psychological manipulation by most parties involved, it can be tricky to parse what is actually true. I’ve done the best I can to filter what I’ve learned through my gut and intuition.

Finally it’s important to note that all the following historical info in chapter 6 has been reported and pieced together by many other people as well, and has less to do with me and my personal soul journey than the story I have told up til now. Chapter 7 though, which is more about trauma and how to heal, is what I’m all about.

1900 AD: This is where we are once again going to pick up the detailed threads of this history, for this is when the most recent events that set the stage for our current situation really got underway.

It all started with a group called the Vril Society.

There were many secret societies at this time, in many parts of the world, both positive and negative, who were experimenting with consciousness and had been passing down those traditions since the time of Atlantis and MU, but we are going to focus on the Vril, for it was they who first left the surface of the Earth and began exploring our Solar System, and then our Galaxy.

Maria Orsitsch — Maria was born in 1895 in Zagreb, Croatia and exhibited psychic talents early on. Her interest in the occult eventually led her to a secret society, the Thule Gesellschaft, in Munich, where she trained and cultivated her abilities. Not long after joining the Thule she created her own group from among her female friends; in fact the Vril society seems to have been comprised entirely of stunning women with psychic abilities.

Maria Orsitsch
members of the Vril Society

In the process of their meditations and cultivation of consciousness they met psychically with two different groups — one close to home and one not so much.

The first group they encountered in their astral travels was a local reptilian group, The Draco, who dwelt in Agartha underneath the surface of the Earth, who were much enamored of the beautiful human females (and who, no doubt, had a dark agenda in mind for them down the road). Maria and her friends were fascinated and intrigued to be contacted by another race of beings, but also soon picked up on their aggressive and viscous energy, despite the charming intellect that was projected.

The Vril also encountered a second group of extraterrestrial beings though, and these were the Nordics, a benevolent Aryan human type of 5th Density consciousness who live on a planet circling our closest neighbor, Alpha Centauri. Over time, the members of the Vril group became more and more inclined towards the messages and purpose of this Nordic group and they abandoned their relationship with the Draco, which definitely ruffled some scales!

The Nordic group asked Maria to gather a select group of people together on a certain day for the purpose of receiving detailed plans for the construction of a space ship, and so when the time came the Vril gathered together in a small forester’s cabin near Berchtesgaden, Germany and it was on that cold winter day in 1919 that Sigrun (middle figure in the picture above) channeled detailed plans for what would be the first machine capable of advanced inter-Density travel built by Homo Sapiens.

Over the next few years Maria and her friends established a base of operations and, with assistance from the Nordic group, recruited a massive number of people from all across Germany and the surrounding countries to build several of these craft.

These first machines weren’t “flying” ships in the normal sense, rather they were disc-shaped craft that enabled one to move through time and space by traveling into the higher Densities and then moving around by thought. And these were massive crafts, intended to transport large numbers of people off the planet.

Word of this got out though, through the network of secret societies — Hitler, Goering, and Himmler were all members of the Thule society — and so it was that an emerging German political party with great interest in the occult got wind of the development of these craft, the Nazis.

In their hunt for all things occult, the Nazis had already gotten hints of Agartha, ETs, and advanced technology by searching through Tibetan Monasteries in the Himalayas, where they found records that had been recopied, preserved and passed down from the time of ancient MU. They discovered plans for what looked like a spacecraft, and through questioning the monks they discovered that these holy men were actually in contact with various inner-Earth groups.

Various Nazis meeting with Tibetan Monks

A few years later, just when their ships were nearing completion, the Vril Society were captured by the Nazis, who took over the entire facility and interrogated the members. This is particularly significant to us, because it was through this chain of events that the Nazis were first introduced to the Draco, and that relationship will be of prime importance in the rest of our story.

Maria and the Vril had friends in very high places though, who brought pressure to bear on the Nazis, and the Vril were released without being harmed. Also, Hitler was happy enough to have a relationship now with the Draco, and he figured he could infiltrate or take over the Vril group at a later time if he so desired.

Then the Vril group managed to leave the planet. They explored out into our Galaxy and came back a few times, using underground bases in Antarctica for their home base, but eventually Maria and her friends evolved enough in consciousness through their interactions with the Nordic group that they Ascended, meaning they gained the ability to live in the 4th Density, and eventually the 5th.

Maria put her learning to good use and went on to take the name Semjase. She returned to Earth in the 1970’s to spread the teachings of unconditional love and harmony that radiate out from the 5th Density, but nothing has been heard from her or the Vril since that time.

1942: The Nazis have perfected anti-gravitic flight.

They took knowledge they had gotten from the Draco, which they had been working on since the 1920’s, and later kidnapped a prominent scientist, Dr Viktor Schauberger, to implement some new ideas.

Dr. Viktor Schauberger

They had, like the Vrill, already perfected inter-Density travel but they had yet to perfect anti-gravitic propulsion in the 3rd Density, which was necessary if one wanted to use this advanced tech in warfare, which they very much did.

Dr. Schauberger had been studying anti-gravity vortexes in water. The inspiration for his research had actually come from observing fish swimming upstream, and he had realized that there were little energy vortexes in the water, places where it swirled in a certain way, and that the fish could intensify that energy by swirling it’s own body within it, thereby enabling it to jump upstream.

Adolf Hitler had actually met Schauberger way back in 1934 to discuss principles of agriculture, forestry, and water engineering, and he was impressed by the ideas the doctor was already exploring around using implosion systems for propulsion, but he couldn’t get his hands on him until Austria was annexed and the war was on, and by this point he knew that he needed Schauberger to expand upon the designs that Nazi’s had received from the Draco, so they could build anti-gravitic flying machines that could be weaponized and used in the war.

So, in 1940, poor Dr. Schauberger, a brilliant thinker and naturalist, was captured and institutionalized by the Nazis and made to develop the first Nazi 3rd-Density anti-gravitic flying machine, and by 1941, it was done. By 1942, aided by their new allies, the Draco, the Nazis were pumping out more than a dozen types of craft, all built by slave labor in huge underground caverns in Germany.

The Germans also had production facilities established in Antarctica, where the Draco had opened access to more vast underground chambers. There are many caverns under Antarctica many of which were, and still are, inhabited by the Draco; some hold the ruins of the ancient, highly advanced civilization of Atlantis, and some hold ruins even more ancient, ruins left behind by the builder race, the Paa Tal, 200 million years ago.

The Orion group still had their three massive motherships buried under the ice as well, and they cannibalized and made use of much of the Atlantean tech that was still functioning, though they had a harder time doing much with the tech left by the Paa Tal, much of which appeared to be functioning still, but which they could not comprehend. The Nazis set up shop there, alongside the Draco and the Orion group, where they continued to develop and refine their technology.

This is just one article in a long publication that details historical events in our Multiverse, Galaxy, and on our planet that are relevant to our current situation. To go to the main publication page CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom to start at the beginning.

