Chapter 6, Part 7: Recent Events; The Sphere Being Alliance, The Downfall Of The Cabal, and The 2016 US Election

A History Of The Multiverse
18 min readSep 1, 2017

A Review of the Cabal’s Master Plan: The Cabal fundamentally wants two things above all else — power, and the ability to extend that power indefinitely, so they can keep this Loosh Farm trucking along. After the end of WWII and their infiltration of the MIC they had a nice, trillion dollar industry going, but how to grow that into a two or three trillion dollar industry?

Plus, the disclosure of the existence of ETs is, at some point, inevitable and the Cabal knows this, and they need to control it to suit their agenda if they want to keep their power.

They have had a long-term plan for quite some time now — a series of events orchestrated such that they could control and manipulate that disclosure in a way that would enable them to stay in charge, and that would keep money flowing into their coffers along the way.

The major steps of that plan are as follows:

  • The Korean War and the Vietnam War. Big money makers.
  • The Cold War and the threat of space-based weapons. They had manipulated Reagan’s limited knowledge of ETs into the establishment of the “Star Wars” program which tuned public consciousness to a possible “threat from above”, in this case nukes from Russia, and kept the cash flowing into their USAPs. This also introduced the idea of space-based weapons to the public.
  • A war against Arab dictators. Planning for this started in the 1970’s with folks like Saddam Hussein already being singled out and maneuvered into position for their future roles. This was kickstarted with 9/11, one of the most obvious false flag attacks of all time, though certainly not the first. In the war that followed we began to see the use of drones as weapons.
  • Asteroids. A fear of asteroids and planets on a collision course with the Earth has been a propaganda campaign to keep public consciousness tuned to a threat from above. 1998 saw the release of both Deep Impact and Armageddon which were both funded by the Cabal and it was around this time that the threat of Planet X (Nibiru) coming to collide with, or sideswipe the Earth, surfaced in the New Age community.
  • A war against extremists in 3rd world countries. This is where we have been for some time now. This war is carried out to a large degree by remote drone attacks, which are not full space-based weapons, but a step along the way there.
  • Alien invasion. They have the technology at this point to stage an alien invasion false flag attack through the use of holographic images and sound, plus actual physical clones that look like aliens. It would be very convincing and total bullshit. There has been so many movies produced with the express purpose of planting this seed of alien threat in the public consciousness. The alien abductions staged by the ICC in the 70’s and 80’s were part of this as well. The New Age movement has even been used to release tons of propaganda that is blatantly untrue. About 99% of all the information out there on UFO’s and aliens is well-crafted disinformation with one goal — to support the ultimate and final card to be played, the ruse of interplanetary warfare. This would allow the Cabal to reveal the existence of ETs but to frame them as evil (when in fact the vast majority are either indifferently neutral or benevolent), while casting themselves as the good guys who have been working behind the scenes all this time to develop the technology to “save humanity” from the invented threat. They could control disclosure and come right out into the open and be hailed as heroes. This almost happened.

December 5, 2014: The Cabal was freaking out. All of these giant spheres, hundreds, maybe thousands at this point, have entered the Solar System and nobody knew their intention. They weren’t communicating and didn’t respond to attempts to ascertain their motivation or polarity.

The Cabal does not like unknown variables, especially ones with technology more advanced than theirs, so they made a crucial mistake that has had massive ramifications.

At a remote base in the Australian outback they had one of their most advanced scalar weapons and they trained it’s sights on one of the Spheres that was in the 3rd Density (it was cloaked but the Cabal has tech that can see a cloaked object, especially one that big), and fired.


The Sphere simply redirected that energy beam back to where it had originated from and utterly destroyed the Cabal’s base. This was the beginning of the Cabal’s defeat that is now, at this point, inevitable.

Immediately following this event the network of Sphere Beings threw up a barriers around both the Earth and the entire Solar System, making it impossible for anyone to come or go without their permission.

The Cabal, who’s plan had always been to keep exploiting the planet and the civilization until it was utterly sucked dry and destroyed at which point they would simply move on to another one, was now trapped. Not only that, most of Dark Fleet was out of the Solar System at the time, so now the Cabal’s most advanced fighting force is trapped outside and cannot get in.

February 18, 2015: The Mars Atrocity. The intelligence program inside The Alliance had gotten actionable intelligence about an ICC base on Mars that was producing a critical piece of equipment that was going to be used by the ICC to step up their game.

They blew up the base, along with about 250,000 innocent civilian workers without running it by the Alliance High Command. Within 24 hours of this event they also triggered an earthquake off the coast of South Carolina and destroyed an underwater Draco base along with about 700 humans.

These events triggered an intervention by the Sphere Beings.

February 27, 2015: One of the main groups within the SBA, a group of tall, blue, bird-like beings called the Blue Avians, asked the Alliance to get them Corey Goode.

Blue Avian

March 1, 2015: Corey had already been having telepathic communication with one of the Blue Avians, Ra Tier-Er, in dreams.

On this night he was sitting in his living room when a small blue orb appeared. It zipped around his living room and then flew into his chest at which point a bigger blue sphere encapsulated him and took him off planet and into one of the giant spheres, where he had his first in-person meeting with Ra Tier-Er. It was here that he learned that the Spheres had entered our system in order to assist with our current process of liberation and healing.

Our solar system has moved into a higher vibration region of the Universe, which has triggered a quickening in the energy put out by our sun, a quickening that has the potential to raise our awareness as a species but that is also potentially dangerous. The Spheres are acting as filters that modulate this energy such that our transition may be more manageable.

Later in March, 2015: Corey Goode was picked up by a dart-shaped craft in his backyard and taken to the LOC (Lunar Operations Command) where he acted as a intermediary between the Sphere Being group and the Alliance. This marked the formation of the Sphere Being Alliance (SBA) and the beginning of his role as a diplomat.

Since this time there have been negotiations going on between the SBA and the Cabal. The SBA wants to promote a peaceful transition of power and initiate a full disclosure of all that has been hidden from humanity, while the Cabal is doing everything it can to hold on to its power and promote its partial disclosure agenda.

The 2016 US Election: The Schoolyard Bully Saves The Day (With Some Help From The SBA)

It might seem to you that Donald Trump would obviously be part of the Cabal. He certainly comes across as rich, conceited, braggadocios, a womanizer, and a racist elitist, so he fits the profile, but appearances can be deceiving. I’m not saying he’s not all those things, I really don’t know never having met the man. I do think that it’s likely that he has been encouraged to amplify his worse traits deliberatetly, as part of furthering the Great Awakening, which I’ll explain more about in a bit.

Hillary Clinton, who is a pedophile, Satanist, and high-ranking member of the Cabal (same with Bill), was actually the Cabal’s choice for US President.

As the date of the election approached and it appeared, contrary to the disinformation put out by Hillary’s campaign, that Trump actually had a very good chance of winning, the Cabal stepped up it’s plans and began to put into motion their long-planned false flag alien attack. The plan was to stage the invasion shortly before the election which would trigger martial law and cancel the election.

After the “victory” over the pretend invaders was accomplished, Obama (also a high level Cabal member I’m sorry to say) would then hand power over to Hillary while martial law was still in effect, avoiding the election altogether. Then the Cabal could reveal themselves as I’ve previously described — as a benevolent secret society that has been working behind the scenes to prepare humanity for this event.

Thankfully, the intelligence community within the SBA and their allies in the FBI got wind of the plan. The FBI and the US military (most of whom are actually part of the Alliance, though they have often unwittingly done the Cabal’s bidding) made it clear to the Clintons that they would tolerate no monkey business whatsoever in this campaign, and that any future attempt on their part to stage a false flag attack or rig the election in any way would result in marshal law being declared, the US military taking power from the government, and an aggressive attack on all known Cabal bases.

The Cabal had only one shot left at this point and that was to feed as much disinformation to the public as possible about Hillary’s “inevitable victory” in a hope to sway voter turnout. And yes, there haven’t really been free elections in this country since Kennedy anyway, but that was always because the Cabal was pulling strings which they couldn’t do this time. Their only hope was to actually win for real in such a landslide that the SBA would be hard pressed to maneuver Trump into the office.

Had she won, the plan was for her to start world war three as quickly as possible, most likely through a confrontation with North Korea or China, in a last-ditch effort to destroy much of the population, destroy the advancements being gained in human consciousness by reducing the world back to a survival-of-the-fittest state (which had worked well for them in the past) and take the wind out of the SBA’s sails once and for all.

Thanks to the efforts of the SBA and those aligned with them we got our first democratically elected President since Kennedy and narrowly avoided a pretend alien invasion followed by continued Cabal control, and/or a holocaust.

And Trump serves an important function.

America has been living with cultural trauma since before it’s inception. The very foundations of America were built on trauma, oppression, and genocide. And the Cabal has used these methods to ensure that trauma and survival energy rules the consciousness not just in America, but in most of the world’s population.

In any trauma system the sign that something is starting to shift out of its habitual bracing and management is change. Even painful change.

Hillary represented business as usual. A continuation of the status quo. A nice presentation that is fundamentally a lie.

Trump’s victory was a painful, ugly change for many people, but it was definitely a radical change in the collective system, and not at all what the Cabal wanted to occur.

It was a sign that the collective disorganization and trauma in the American system, and in the world at large, can no longer be contained and managed and covered up. Its bursting out at the seams. It’s right there for all to see.

In regards to his lewdness, racism, sexism, etc… those traits greatly inform the American collective consciousness already. In terms of karma, in terms of actions, that is the energy that the Cabal, and many American institutions, were built on. The energy that is on display from Trump is exactly the energy that has been running the show from behind the curtain this whole time. His election is a big part of that curtain being ripped down.

Also, his seemingly infantile bullheadedness was a big part of why he was approached by the Alliance in the first place!

The military elements of the Alliance had gotten to the point where they felt that only through a violent coup could they regain control of America and eventually the rest of the world. Other factions talked them into giving a lawful, in-the-light-of-day-take-down one more shot, and Trump was proposed as the best candidate for the job of President during that effort precisely because of a lot of the qualities that make him repugnant to many; what better choice than someone who not only had a bullish nature and over-inflated perception of their own awesomeness, but also a childlike enthusiasm for the next great thing and a will strong enough to try and see it through?

Plus, he was rich enough to finance his own campaign, he was aware of the Cabal but not a big player in that scene*, and he had already gotten inklings of secret technologies through his uncle’s access to Tesla’s research back in the day; all of these factors helped him willingly shoulder a task that, quite frankly, has been one hell of a long shot.

*I’ve also heard that there are factions within the Cabal that have been growing for quite some time — between those who want total enslavement of the livestock (us) and those who still want control, but also want conditions to be better for the livestock, and that Trump was part of this latter faction. But to be clear, he is a very low level player, if a player at all. He is much more likely simply a tool to be used.

Having lost this crucial election the Cabal, as agreed upon in their negotiations with the SBA, were supposed to turn over many of their secret bases to the new administration, but most refused. This has resulted in US military forces recently storming and occupying a lot of these bases, but unfortunately these forces were not fully briefed and were not already aware of ETs.

The Marines and Special Forces units that were sent in were told to give the people in these bases one chance, and one chance only, to surrender. If they did not surrender, the US forces were told to eliminate everyone inside and this is how many soldiers ended up finding themselves in a shootout not only with humans, but with many giant reptilian creatures the likes of which they had never seen.

Even though these missions have all been successes, many of these men and women in the military ended up with severe PTSD due to the shock of unexpectedly encountering something totally outside of any frame of reference except the worst nightmares.

One of the first bases to be taken over was the HAARP facilities in Alaska, which had been used to manipulate the weather for some time now.

The long drought in California, just another part of the Cabal’s plan to keep the fear and survival energy going by endangering one of the biggest bread baskets in America, was a direct result of this weather manipulation and the rains returned with a vengeance in the winter of 2016/2017 as a direct result of The Alliance taking over HAARP which crippled the Cabal’s ability to manipulate the weather, though they still have satellites that are capable of other forms of weather manipulation — such as augmenting and steering Earthquakes and igniting “wildfires”.

While we are on the topic of weather, what about climate change?

Here’s another shocker.

Climate change is real, but it doesn’t have as much to do with human influence as most think. The rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere have accelerated things a bit but not nearly as much as chemtrails have, and even that deliberate manipulation of our weather isn’t as significant to the steady increase in our world’s average temperature as this: our solar system has recently entered a higher vibration region of the Universe, and our sun has a natural 29,000 year cycle of fluctuation in intensity — these are the major factors influencing climate change, much more so than human contributions. In fact, every planet in our solar system has been steadily heating up for a while now.

This means that reducing our carbon footprint will do basically zilch for global warming (though it’s still a good idea for other environmental reasons), which may seem kinda scary, except for one thing…

Along with full disclosure comes the technology to fix every single environmental problem we have. It’s no big deal for the SBA to put filters in place around the Earth or sun to mitigate its intensity and they are already doing that to some degree, but let’s be clear about one thing; it’s not their job to save us, it’s their job to encourage us to save ourselves.

One place where the transition of power was a bit more amicable was in Antarctica. The SBA now has control over this territory and since the election many government leaders, military commanders, and intelligence directors have been invited down there to tour the facility and be briefed. The way is being paved for disclosure to roll out, but as of now, the way in which that will happen is still uncertain.

It’s a delicate and staggeringly complex process. Just as the Marines who suddenly found themselves in a confrontation with the Draco ended up with PTSD, there is a very real danger of a similar collective shock, trauma, and upheaval in society, should the existence of everything that has been going on for so long suddenly be revealed.

This is why the Sphere Being Alliance is so important. The Sphere Beings, the Blue Avians, and the other advanced ETs in that group have all shepherded this kind of transition before. The most recent planet to be liberated was the Mayan home planet, and they are here as well to help out, having the benefit of recent personal experience.

Also, as of now, the outcome is still uncertain. The Cabal is definitely going down, but they will do everything they can to try and maintain their control.

They have lost much of their power, their sectors of influence are weakening, and they are cornered on our planet with no escape… but the most dangerous beast is one that is wounded and backed into a corner. It’s inevitable that they will fall, but how, and in what way, is largely up to us.

One thing that all the SSPs and many of the world’s ancient religions all agree on is that we are approaching an event that will greatly bump up our evolutionary path and development of consciousness. This is known as the Great Solar Flash.

Remember how I was saying that the sun has a 29,000 year cycle? Well, apparently the culmination of that cycle is this flash, when the sun puts out a massive burst of energy and then goes dark for 3 days. This is not a physically dangerous event, though it is potentially psychically dangerous depending on the state of one’s consciousness, and it may well disrupt electronics substantially which would have it’s own ramifications.

The reason for all the genetic tinkering by the 22 genetic farmer races is to prepare us for this. I know “genetic farmer” sounds kinda sinister, but these folks actually have our best interest at heart, though it may be the kind of altruistic attention that a scientist has for a bacteria it’s trying to cultivate.

These folks have been doing this all across the galaxy and beyond for eons, so regardless of how warm and fuzzy they may be towards us, it is clear that all their work has been to prepare us for this event, so that we can take maximum advantage of the evolutionary boost it will give us.

Everyone seems to agree that this is coming “soon”, but whether that means months or years I don’t know. It was predicted by many to occur in 2012 and we saw how that went, and now lately I’m hearing that it didn’t happen then because we weren’t prepared as a planet — in our collective consciousness, psyche and spirituality — to benefit from it, and that it has been rescheduled for near the end of 2020.

Whatever the timing, I do know that it’s a good idea to have an emergency supply of water and food and the ability to cook it, just in case we do lose electronics for a while.

And if the sun goes dark don’t sweat it, it will back in three days.


Most of the above is pure hooey.

In my opinion there will be no Great Solar flash and no mass ascension event.

Also, current ideas that there will be a global financial reset, a RV (revaluation) event that enables those in the know to instantly become billionaires, that some savior will come to rescue us all, that the ‘White Hats’ will beat the ‘Black Hats’, that Trump is still secretly running the show, or that a huge swath of mass arrests is imminent, or that the aliens will be landing soon, are all also likely false.

These kinds of ideas are the kind of disinformation that the negative beings who like to pose as ‘Pleiadeans’, ‘Ascended Masters’, and other high and mighty forces like to put out to take people away from the fact of personal responsibility.

Evolution of consciousness and the self has always been, and will always be, an individual undertaking that each person must do on their own, with access to the right support of course. And I do think that access to the right support at the human, spiritual, and energetic levels WILL increase as we go forward.

There are some conditions that make this evolution easier than others. Our planet has not been an easy place to do this kind of journey, but it has been one of the most rewarding places for that undertaking, precisely because of its difficulty.

So, do I think that our planet is currently being ‘liberated’ by helpers from beyond? Not in the way that you might think.

I DO think that there is an intervening organization, the Galactic Federation, who is orchestrating events on both sides — the Cabal and the Alliance are both answering to them — and that they are now working to move this planet out of being such a hotbed of dark, Satanic energy, where such things as child sexual slavery, torture, ritual murder, and cannibalism take place as part of the mechanism of power.

But, will negative beings still be able to harvest the energy of those who, by their ignorance or willing participation, consent? Most likely yes. At least for quite a while, until the majority of souls on the planet have done the individual work necessary to learn how to not consent.

The Earth has been an energy farm for the Asuric energies for a very long time, and it will continue to be so until consciousness on this planet reaches a tipping point via everybody’s individual efforts, which is why each person working to heal their own trauma is the most important thing that can happen and again, I do believe that conditions are being set up such that this is not such a difficult undertaking as it has been, and that there will be more and more support available at all levels for those who choose to take that journey.

I also think it’s possible that this “Great Solar Flash” is actually happening slowly right now, and has been for a while, hence the Climate Change, and that it’s not going to happen in an explosive, disruptive way — more like a longer, sustained expansion of intensity that is integrating as it goes; and this would make sense when you consider everything I’m about to share in the next chapter about how any kind of Ascension process needs to be different this time, from ways in which it has previously occurred.

We need to be our own saviors and not wait for others to fix our problems. We need to expand our consciousness and love each other, yes, but that’s easier said than done because of one thing that must be addressed as part of that process, and that is our unresolved trauma. The following chapters are about how to do the work of healing that.

*Note — It’s been a few years since I wrote all this, and now we’ve been through two years of the Covid pantomime, the largest single Psyop in the history of our planet, and it is becoming more and more clear how the Galactic Federation is orchestrating this awakening.

As the baddies who have been running the show for so long lose more and more energetic real estate, due to the full awakening of Gaia that has already happened, they are panicking and doubling down on more and more of the same old bad behavior, and are likely being encouraged to do so by the Federation.

Or, it’s possible that they aren’t panicking at all, but rather are already gone, and that many of the world leaders and bad actors at this point are clones, directly implementing the Federation’s instructions. Really it’s hard to know for sure, and really, who cares?

The more ridiculous and tyrannical the show becomes, the more the corruption becomes obvious to more and more people.

Plus, I believe the vaccine, it’s dangerous side effects and ineffectiveness, have been another key piece in helping people understand the corruption that has been going on for a very, very long time.

It’s all happening folks!

This is just one article in a long publication that details historical events in our Multiverse, Galaxy, and on our planet that are relevant to our current situation. To go to the main publication page CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom to start at the beginning.

