Chapter 7, Part 1: The Message For Humankind (and the difficulty with its implementation)

A History Of The Multiverse
5 min readSep 3, 2017

Love one another.

I’m pretty sure a few folks have tried to give us this message before, but it never does seem to catch on.

But when they are asked, “So how can I help? What can I do to bring about full disclosure and the next Golden Age?” The answer from our spiritual helpers is basically this:

Love one another.

Be of service to others in your work and life.

Work to improve and expand your own consciousness, and through that and the implementation of these steps the collective consciousness will rise and we can all ascend together into higher consciousness.

That’s it. Simple, huh?

Like I said we’ve heard this many times before from many people, so what is the difficulty? Why is it so hard for us to love one another and be of service to each other and to focus collectively on a goal?

The answer to that question is trauma.

Not just our individual traumas and hardships, but the collective trauma in our group psyche from thousands of years of oppression and hideous crimes against humanity. And not just that.

Remember back to when this whole story started. Fundamentally we are, through our own struggles and healing, working to heal that Divine Feminine essence that is the soul of our Mother Earth — that original piece of long-lost Divinity that got fractured into darkness during the initial explosion that created the Multiverse.

That’s the bigger picture.

The Cabal, the Draco, the Nazis, and all the other service-to-self negative polarity beings in the Universe — they are all fundamentally driven by the energy of Ahriman and his Asuras, and those creatures can only influence this Creation because of the decisions made by Divinity during, and following, the initial explosion.

The problem with implementing the message from our spiritual leaders is that it is very, very difficult to truly and unconditionally love another, or even to love oneself, when one is living with unresolved trauma.

And almost all of us are, to one degree or another.

It is challenging to truly be of service to others without making yourself sick if your nervous system is wanting to constantly make you run away and hide, or explode with rage.

It is fundamentally impossible to meditate effectively or do any kind of energy work that is truly beneficial if one has unresolved survival energy in their nervous system, which is what trauma is, and again — almost all of us have this, even if we don’t know it.

This is the main reason that I have written all this; because this message about loving one another, while accurate, is incomplete. It’s missing this piece:

We must heal our unresolved trauma as part of this process, and that requires each person to make an individual effort and journey.

Loving each other, being of service to others, and expanding our consciousness is all wonderful, and understanding our survival physiology and how to come out of it MUST be a major part of the process if we are to carry out those other steps effectively.

This is why, after 15 years of living apart from the world working on my energy body and doing my darndest to Ascend, I ended up coming back into the world, did years of somatic trauma therapy, and then trained to become a somatic trauma specialist myself. Because no matter how much I meditated, no matter how much I raised my vibration, I always, always came crashing back to Earth; and that is because healing unresolved trauma needs to be the bedrock upon which all other steps are laid.

Ascension And Fragmentation (Don’t throw the baby out with the bath)

Since you’re reading this, you most likely already have an understanding of what Ascension is, but for those of you who might be unfamiliar, I’ll just go over it briefly.

Ascension can mean a couple things. It can simply mean raising one’s consciousness and understanding to a higher level of Density, while remaining basically a normal human, and that’s all good — that is what we need to focus on by healing our trauma and by implementing the message from our spiritual helpers. But that is not the way that Ascension is often thought of by those who seek it.

For them (and for me! I once was such a seeker), it is the process by which the vibrational rate of the physical body is raised to the point that the fleshy body essentially turns into a light body. Specifically, the oscillation of the atomic and sub-atomic structures speed up until our atomic structure enters higher frequencies and the corresponding experiences.

When this happens to it’s highest potential, that person is then free to manifest a physical body, or not. They become free to travel through time and space through the power of thought alone.

The New Age movement and many ancient prophecies and holy texts tell us that this is a process which the entire Earth is currently undergoing. It was thought by many that on Dec. 21, 2012 there might be some sort of switch thrown that would enable this to happen at a global level, and that all of those who were prepared would ascend, along with the Earth, into a bright and shiny 5th Density reality, while the old 3D Earth would undergo the violent Earth Changes — the Apocalypse that seems to inevitably accompany any prophecy of mass Ascension of this kind, which would cleanse the Earth of its pollution and sickness, along with all the poor slobs who clung to the old material world’s ways and notions.

The lion would lay down with the lamb and all those “who were called” would go skipping their way merrily down the corridors of eternity.

Sounds nice, huh? Simple.

Also, it sounds eerily akin to ethnic cleansing and genocide when you think about it.

After all, what about all the poor slobs? The answer is usually something like, “oh, well those souls will have to continue their evolutionary journey on another planet more suitable to their vibration.” But this completely ignores the fact that all those beings will have just undergone the trauma of dying violent and horrifying deaths, which only adds to the sum total of trauma present in Creation.

If this is the price of an Ascension for “those who are called,” I don’t think I’ll answer the phone. After all, who’s placing that call?

Remember that about 99% of New Age thought is purposeful disinformation crafted by negative entities, and they are very, very clever.

This is just one article in a long publication that details historical events in our Multiverse, Galaxy, and on our planet that are relevant to our current situation. To go to the main publication page CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom to start at the beginning.

