Chapter 7, Part 3: The Fragmentation Of The Soul Through Non-Ideal Practices & Understanding the Ramifications of Early Trauma

A History Of The Multiverse
13 min readSep 3, 2017

One of the practices often espoused as being a crucial step towards achieving inner peace and eventually Ascension, is the practice of meditation. As someone who has been both a die-hard practitioner of meditation and hard-core Ascension seeker, I can testify that meditation can be very useful but, in our present situation, it often is not.

There are many forms of meditation, but they boil down to two basic kinds.

In one kind of meditation you are meditating on a specific thing, be it a mantra, visualization, breathing method, or something else.

The other kind of meditation is the kind taught by our friend, the Buddha, where the only thing you focus on is your body and felt experience, as it is, without any sort of mantra or visualization, this is also called mindfulness.

The first kind, where you are focusing on some sort of thing, can be helpful to focus one’s attention and “quiet” one’s mind, but it is a temporary and illusory experience. Say someone has persistent negative thoughts. When they find their negative thoughts arising, they begin to focus on their mantra, until the mantra becomes more powerful than the negative thoughts… ahhhhh, peace. But not really.

That person is momentarily changing the nature of their repetitive thought loop, they are not dealing with the loop itself. It’s like taking a cassette tape of music that you don’t like and then recording music that you do like over it, then saying to yourself, “hey, I made that tape I don’t like disappear!” Sure, it may bring a temporary sense of increased peace and well being, which is great, but it’s ultimately not accomplishing much in the way of actually resolving the source material.

What’s generating the thought loop in the first place? The answer is: a dysregulated nervous system, and sorry, but you cannot fix that with a mantra or visualization.

The other kind of meditation, where one simply notices themselves as they are without trying to change anything, is the kind that I practiced intensively for years and years. Specifically, I practiced Vipassana as taught by S.N. Goenka. This form of meditation, which the Buddha brought to us, can indeed be a very helpful and useful tool, but only if the practitioner is well-regulated enough to experience their body as it is.

Anyone who has a moderate to high level of dysregulation in their nervous system, which is most of us, will have a great deal of difficulty practicing this without dissociating, because their body, as it is, is a chaotic and painful place to be.

What happens for these folks is one of two things.

One, they become overwhelmed, panic and leave the practice, which is the best possible outcome for them, because at least they allowed themselves to flee from an experience that was overwhelming them.

Or two, and my gut feeling and personal experience tells me that this is what happens most of the time, the person dissociates and goes more into the freeze state which is already occurring within them. This second option is truly the most insidious, because the freeze state can feel a lot like “peace.”

This requires a bit of an explanation that gets technical but please read this following part carefully as it is very relevant to our current situation.

The bulk of our trauma in western, industrialized society is not the obvious kind. Yes, there is plenty of outright abuse and violence that happens, but the vast majority of trauma in our culture is early/developmental trauma that results from situations that are chronically stressful, but not necessarily explosive or violent.

In order to develop properly an infant needs present, attuned, well-regulated caregivers who are not chronically stressed and they need those caregivers, or at least one of them, to be present most of the time for around three years. This is not because of some idealistic notion, this is biological fact.

When an infant is born their nervous system and brain are far from complete in development. The infant needs care, attunement, close attention and minimal stress in order to properly develop the parts of it’s nervous system and brain responsible for healthy social engagement, empathy, and higher cognitive function.

The main system I’m talking about here is the Ventral Vagal Complex (VVC) — this portion of our autonomic nervous system comes in only minimally formed and is developed and myelinated after birth based off of the caregiver’s VVC, and it is this part of our nervous system that enables us to deal with and come down from stress in a healthy way, engage socially, and empathize with others. We cannot maximize our access to the Prefrontal Cortex — the part of our brain that lets us do things like meditate, create art, problem solve creatively, and think complex thoughts — without a healthy Ventral Vagal Complex.

Without at least one attuned, present, well-informed, and relatively unstressed caregiver that is around consistently for at least the first three years of life our VVC cannot form properly and so our entire system cannot develop to its maximum potential. And how many of us had parents like that? Our society is purposefully structured in a way that makes that almost impossible, which is of course part of the Cabal’s agenda. If you keep humans in survival mode it facilitates the production of more humans in survival mode.

And that’s what happens. When an infant experiences this lack of proper care necessary for its development, when they are surrounded by parents and siblings that may be loving, but who are stressed and in survival mode, that baby’s nervous system will interpret this as a threat big enough to engage it’s more primitive survival mechanisms — which do come into the world active and fully functional.

This may mean the Sympathetic (fight/flight) system activates and you have a babe who is crying a lot, easily startled, colicky, rashy and generally upset.

And then, if the stress in the environment (meaning in the parents) is not resolved, if this threat to the infant’s development seems to be pervasive with no end in sight, eventually the little one’s system will learn to bypass fight/flight and go directly to freeze, or shut-down. This is the emergency brake of the Parasympathetic branch which the system employs if fight/flight (crying, ‘fussiness’, rashes, colic, etc.) have been unsuccessful and the system senses that it is under mortal threat.

I know this may be hard to accept, but the research is very clear at this point. Even a loving home, if it is a chronically stressful environment (meaning the majority of home environments in industrialized society), will over time become perceived by a developing nervous system as a mortal threat. If the mother is overly stressed during pregnancy, this maladaptive wiring can even be established in the womb.

There are many other kinds of experiences that can also lead to this kind of early/developmental trauma, experiences that are not recognized by most as trauma; things like circumcision or even life-saving surgeries as an infant or child, a parent being incarcerated or addicted, pressure to conform to societal or familial norms, witnessing conflict between caregivers with no resolution, and even inherited genetic predispositions from ancestors who were traumatized — all of these things will often lead to early/developmental trauma.

Here is a long interview between my wife, Irene Lyon, and our mentor Kathy Kain who specializes in working with the ramifications of early/developmental trauma. It’s an hour and 40 minutes, but do yourself a favor and watch it all. This is absolutely crucial information for us to understand if we want to move forward into a positive future.

When this happens, when the freeze response becomes the go-to option for the nervous system when dealing with stress, we end up living in what is called “functional freeze”.

In the freeze state, your breathing, pulse and entire metabolism all slow down, and at worst, shut off almost entirely. Because the freeze state is the body’s protective response to being gnawed on by a predator, you literally feel less sensation.

When the freeze response has become an embedded, go-to option, its manifestation during meditation can easily masquerade as a feeling of zen-like calm, particularly if that person has strong spiritual abilities, when in reality what is happening is that the person’s dysregulation and fragmentation are being reinforced. To make matters worse, there will be a tendency to return to that state again and again, because it can feel so peaceful.

If a meditator is living with an embedded functional freeze response they can become like the captain of a ship who, when confronted with a terrible and raging storm, retreats to a sensory deprivation tank in his cabin. There is a video screen inside his tank that lets him “witness” the storm happening outside, but all is peaceful in the tank. There, floating in quiet, suspended in water, he is barely able to feel the violent rocking, or hear the main mast snapping. The captain rests, as his ship is drawn down and crushed beneath the waves. And so it goes with many who feel they are successful at meditation; they may feel calmer but actually they are simply dissociated.

I was one such person and I have no doubt that I would have meditated myself into an early grave had I not discovered the reality and complexity of trauma and it’s effects. Underneath that freeze response, there was waiting all that big Sympathetic activation – those unresolved fight/flight responses that never got to complete. That’s why the freeze response became an embedded survival strategy in the first place; I couldn’t run or fight back as an infant or child and so those charges remained unresolved and managed by that big heavy lid of the freeze response.

When that’s the case – when both the gas (fight/flight) and emergency brake (freeze) are on all the time – the entire nervous system becomes dysregulated and cannot perform its functions effectively, and the nervous system governs everything in the body; immune function, cell repair, digestion, barrier keeping in the gut, hormonal secretion, heart rate, breath rate, emotional regulation, cognitive function, etc… everything.

Here’s a very big disclosure that parallels the existence of the Cabal, SSPs, and UFOs in its importance: unresolved trauma and nervous system dysregulation are at the root of almost all mental, emotional, and physical health problems.

It is my contention that until we deal directly at both the personal and global level with our trauma (which has to be a slow and gentle process supported by a knowledgeable witness), no amount of meditation is really going to get us anywhere.

It is also my contention that the pursuit of bodily Ascension (the second kind — the one where we can merge with our Light Body and escape the 3rd Density) is a reaction to trauma, at both the personal and global level. It is a desire to escape the pain and suffering that is here, rather than engage with it.

I believe that just as the psyche is fragmented by trauma and dissociation, so is the soul fragmented through this kind of Ascension process, if it does not include all aspects of oneself, or that leaves others, the “poor slobs”, behind.

Throughout history there have been many, many documented cases of people who achieved this kind of Ascension. Without exception, these folks have made it to that state through a process of “purification.” This means they are not engaging with “worldly things” or “the lower nature.”

They are not working 9–5, nor will they be engaged in a sexual relationship, have kids, eat steak or drink beer. Most who get there have probably stopped eating entirely, in fact they will have probably stopped doing anything other than sitting quietly, alone, while running energy through their body in a specific manner.

Like I said earlier, I believe we are all fundamentally rays of light that stretch through every level of Creation. When we propel our consciousness into the “higher” vibrations by denying the “lower” ones, we abandon that part of ourselves. When viewed this way, even the phrase, “I want to raise my vibration” doesn’t make sense. There is no vibration being raised — that vibration already exists, we are simply moving our attention there, a process that is more easily facilitated by cutting ourselves off from the dense and difficult “lower nature.”

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes form, so what happens to that portion of our soul ray that gets abandoned by our consciousness when we Ascend in this way? My feeling is that it gets left behind to reincarnate into life situations that are rife with starvation, poverty, birth defects, and violence. It is left behind as fragments that have almost no access to the “spiritual” vibration that abandoned it.

That is what I have a memory of being told by the Folks (my affectionate term for the Prime Creator Pair, the Mother and Father), the last time I Ascended in this manner.

Basically, I got back to the Godhead ready for high-fives, only to be greeted by long faces.

“What?” I said, “I made it didn’t I? I learned my lessons in duality through many lifetimes of struggle until I ascended, that was the plan, right?” That was when they took me by the hand, explained the process of soul fragmentation to me, and gently pointed out the mess I had left behind, through my many lifetimes of “spiritual” pursuits.

“Sorry”, they said, “We only learned this about Ourself recently. Ascension of this kind is just no good if it means leaving parts of Ourself behind. We thought that by this process we would lift up those lost parts of the Mother. We thought that by you focusing your attention on the finer Densities, you would automatically make that available to her, but we were too results-oriented in our thinking to see that the process by which this happens is the most important thing.

Many of the lost pieces are just too traumatized to simply ‘increase their vibration’. In fact, it turns out that kind of bright, fast light is actually quite terrifying to them.

What is needed, we finally realized, is a slow, gradual process of healing that makes space for even the most damaged pieces. We must soften our light and gradually, in a slow and gentle way, bring it to her there. We cannot just shine a bright light and expect her to approach, nor can we take a bright, high vibration energy directly to her.

We must meet Her where and how She is, and the only way to do that is through the vessel of a human body — which is the only embodied form in Creation that can access both our vibration in the Godhead, as well as the depths of Hell where She is.”

Hearing this update from my beloved Parents, I groaned like a teenager and said, “Shit! I have to go back, huh?”

And smiling, they nodded their heads.

So right now you might be wondering about the countless volumes of New Age texts out there that I am disagreeing with. Am I claiming to be more wise than the Pleiadians or Andromedans? Do the Angels have it wrong? Is the Sphere Being Alliance deluded?

The answers are no, yes and maybe.

A lot of the information from those sources is right-on in terms of our interconnection, our potential to be beings of infinite freedom and grace, the need to love one another and be kind, our place as members of a vast, universal community, and the fact that we are in a time of great change. It’s just the how and why of Ascension that I’m saying is outdated and needs to be discarded.

Those books were written during the last energetic cycle which ended, in the Mayan system, on 12/21/2012. This date also lines up, more or less, with the Vedic cycles known as Yugas and it also marked the movement of our solar system into a new energetic region of the Galactic rotational cycle, which began that change in the Sun’s output which I mentioned earlier.

This last cycle was a period of time in which we have been dominated by the Masculine energy. Most of the ideas expressed and channeled during that time were coloured by the sort of up vs. down, high vibration vs. low vibration, us vs. them thinking, that a Masculine-dominated energy promotes. It is only now, as we enter into this new time, during which the Feminine will be on the ascendant, that new information is starting to be more widely available.

Also, like I said before, so much New Age material is well-crafted, highly sneaky disinformation produced by the Cabal.

Being a fleshy human on 3D Earth as I am, where I can have my ear to the ground, maybe this new information about how to work with trauma and the 3rd Density is more available to me than it is to other, more etheric beings, who already may have some judgments about this level of reality, which would predispose them towards not hearing the message that plans have changed.

I think that lots of the messages we have received from our Intergalactic friends have been inspiring and valid for their time, but the process by which that paradigm is to develop needs to be different than was previously thought. Even the message from the SBA, which is both current and valid, is simply incomplete in it’s understanding of what needs to happen first, in order for us to Ascend.

There will be birth pangs of the new Golden Age, some of which we are already experiencing; such as tsunamis, economic collapse, sickness, climate change, war, and the rest. As the Cabal kicks, screams and hangs on for unholy life as the carpet is pulled out from underneath them, there may well be some significant drama in the world that continues for a time.

Ultimately though, it is my firm belief and gut knowing that we are headed for a wonderful and harmonious time on this planet; a time when those humans who have reached a certain level of understanding no longer look to Ascend and escape, but instead turn inwards to examine themselves; and if they have genuinely developed an expansive, self-regulated autonomic nervous system and reintegrated much of their soul fragmentation, that they then reach out and help others who are less fortunate and less well-regulated than themselves by living whatever their unique, divine purpose might be.

Those whom currently deem themselves “highly spiritual”, if they allow themselves to open up to some of the possibilities I’ve been talking about, may find out that what they actually are is deeply frozen, or deeply disassociated, or cut off from the “lower” nature of the world.

If you can Ascend while discussing the phone bill with your wife, while the kids argue in the next room, while enjoying a burger, fries and beer, then be my guest. In other words, if you can expand your vibrational awareness while being fully engaged with the dense, material, messy, lusty world then wow! Go for it! But then what will you do?

It’s easy to forget,

that we came here to be here,

right now, in this time and place.

This is just one article in a long publication that details historical events in our Multiverse, Galaxy, and on our planet that are relevant to our current situation. To go to the main publication page CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom to start at the beginning.

