Try this when dealing with Situational Depression and Stress

Shadi K. Kandil
A Journey on Planet Earth
2 min readApr 10, 2021


Situational depression and continuous stress can strike at any time with the pressures of life. We need to know that no matter how hard we try to avoid it, and we need to give ourselves time first to figure out what we are going through in order to get over it!

Photo by Lily Banse

Thinking a lot about getting out is part of the increase in the problem… Give yourself time to observe it first, to know what is happening mentally before what happens in your surroundings, give yourself time and surrender to what you feel for a few days until you get out of the pressures of your efforts to handle it, then…
breathe deeply and regularly during difficult times,
meditate and read or listen to books or articles that understand your feelings or encourage you to recover and give you steps to do it,
use distractions,
avoid social media stress,
exercise if u can or just walk with some music,
give yourself a day off to do something you love and you never done since long or to hang out with people you love and you did not meet for a while,

This will help you cope until you figure out how to accept this stress as part of your daily routine or until you find a way to end it regardless of what you will give if you do so.


