Daily Practice & Exploration

Mountain Pose — Tadasana

Power - Strength - Where I stand

Katrina Bos
Satya Yoga Academy
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2021


Image by Pixabay

“I tire of your arrogance old man. Bow to me!”, Shan Yu growled to the Emperor
No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it”, responded the wise emperor.

This is one of my favourite scenes from the movie Mulan. Shan Yu, the bad guy, is huge, scary, and fearless. He is furious that the emperor will not just give up. But the emperor just stands in wisdom, strength, and truth.

This is why I choose Tadasana for my first posture to focus on.

Tadasana literally means “mountain pose”.

This is where we feel the mountain of a human that we truly are.

How do you normally stand? With one hip out, slouched over, leaning to one side, shoulders forward?

Our posture reflects a lot about what is going on inside of us. This is how we can heal so many aspects of who we are — mind, body, and spirit — by simply putting our body in a particular position and exploring what happens inside.

Imagine standing like you are a mountain. Your feet are firmly planted on the earth, knees soft but firm, hips evenly balanced over your legs, spine easily rising out of your hips, shoulders relaxed, and head…



Katrina Bos
Satya Yoga Academy

Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: katrinabos.ca