Go: How Does Go Recycle Goroutines?

A Journey With Go
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2020


Illustration created for “A Journey With Go”, made from the original Go Gopher, created by Renee French.

ℹ️ This article is based on Go 1.13.

Goroutines are easy to create, have a small stack, and a fast context switch. For those reasons, developers love them and use them a lot. However, a program that spawns many short living goroutines will spend quite some time creating and destroying them.

Cycle of life

Let’s start with a simple example that will show how goroutines are reused. I will take the prime number calculation from the Go documentation:


Hundreds of goroutines will be used to filter the numbers forcing Go to manage the creation and the destruction of those goroutines. Actually, Go maintains a list of free goroutines per P:

Keeping this list local per P brings the advantage not to use any lock to push or get a free goroutine. Then, when a goroutine exits from its current work, it will be pushed to this free list:

