The Water Tower (cc) Jonas LAmis

The Water Tower

Jonas Lamis
1 min readDec 5, 2012

We spent the day tasting along Oakville Cross Road. Some amazing wineries dot the valley floor along that road. Legends: Opus One, Groth, Plumpjack and particularly Silver Oak.

I doubt any other winery has captured the aspirational style of expensive mass-market reds more than Silver Oak. From humble beginnings, this estate now produces 30,000 cases from Napa, and twice again as much from up the valley each year.

In my mind, Silver Oak is as much about marketing as it is about the terroir. The white water tower has done much over the years to bolster their image and story. It has graced the label of each bottle made since 1972. And when you pull the cork on a bottle of Sliver Oak, you can’t help but appreciate the label, and that picture of the tower. Ah, fond memories.

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