from there to here

Aaron Yih
a latitudinal journey
3 min readAug 16, 2015

As we drove into the driveway of Will’s house in New Hampshire, the thoughts and memories of the last 3 weeks ran through my head. This was the last stop of my cross country trip, and soon I would be back home in the bay. “There’s no way this is over,” I thought; I felt deep shock, as if I had never expected the trip to end. I suppose that’s what death will be like, a sudden drop into reality that leaves you with an intimate understanding of the phrase “time flies.”

A lot of you are probably here from my “from sea to shining sea” trip blog. If not, go check it out because it will give you an idea of what this blog will be like.

I’ve been home for 2 weeks now, and I’m ready to finally embark on my next trip: albeit an unexpected one. Sometimes I just feel a need to adventure, so I do. Having run into Natalie in New York who had been traveling alone from Australia, I decided that it was about time that I do some significant traveling on my own. I’ll let you know how I feel after the trip, but my current idea is that it takes a certain kind of courage to do things alone when you don’t have to. That is, when you have the option to do things with other people but decide that it’ll be more interesting on your own.

So I’m travelling across the country again — for the 2nd time this summer — but in a different direction. Here’s the tentative route, I’m planning to take a route that looks something like this:

I’ll be stopping in these places in this approximate order:

  • Bakersfield, CA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • San Diego, CA
  • Santa Barbara, CA
  • Random Highway 1 Places
  • San Fransisco, CA
  • More Random Highway 1 Places
  • Portland, OR
  • Seattle, WA
  • Bellingham, WA
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Home

I’ll be sleeping in friends’ places, and the back of my car, which is appropriately outfitted.

Unlike “from sea to shining sea,” I probably won’t be posting an article for each day, as I felt constrained to the structure and forced to populate my blog with thoughts that were rather uncharacteristic and unatural. Furthermore, the internet situation will be much spottier. I’ve been to a lot of these places before, so while it’ll be cool to travel to these places by car and see new landscapes, the larger part of this trip is being by myself for a long time while being in unfamiliar places and meeting up with friends I’ve made over the years.

Without much more rambling, I say, join me on my journey from border to border.

