[Golang] Build A Simple Web Service part.1 — HTTP/net & multiplexer

Jen-Hsuan Hsieh (Sean)
A Layman
Published in
15 min readDec 29, 2018


Copy right@A Layman



結合工作上的side project,構想是用Go開發web service並提供單純的API供前端頁面使用,頁面會用React.js開發,而這一系列的文章會先著重在Golang WebDev上。

Go的web framework很多,MVC如Iris, Beego都是一時之選,使用原生的HTTP/net package也足以提供搭建web service所需要的功能,不足之處可搭配web tool kit如Gorilla,需求來決定,並不一定要使用到MVC框架。這篇文章則會從原生的HTTP/net為主。

I was curious about Golang and started to study it with the number of teams which develop their products or core components by using this language increasing. I decided to write down these articles during my learning journey.

The series of these articles focus on WebDev. I will use Golang to develop web services which were responsible for providing API to the React pages in my side project.

There are many choices for Golang frameworks such as MVC framework like Iris, Beego. However, I will use the native HTTP/net package and web tool kit (Gorilla) in this article. I thought it was enough for my needs.

Interface & HTTP/net




Jen-Hsuan Hsieh (Sean)
A Layman

Frontend Developer🚀 Angular • React • Nest • Electron • Micro-frontend • Monorepo Architecture • https://daily-learning.herokuapp.com/