Service Fabric part.1 — How to install and create Service Fabric cluster and nodes?

Jen-Hsuan Hsieh (Sean)
A Layman
Published in
7 min readMar 19, 2019


Copy right@A Layman


Microsoft Azure Service Fabric is a distributed platform that makes it easy to build large-scale and easily manageable services.

Our team is trying to apply this technology. It’s a new architecture and concept for me.

I also encounter many problems in the process. So I decided to write this article. I expect that it can help the guy who also uses this technology.

1.Install Service Fabric Standalone Package and Service Fabric Runtime

The first step you need to do is to visit here to download Service Fabric Standalone Package and Service Fabric Runtime.

Unzip Service Fabric Standalone Package and move the folder to the location you prepare for it (e.g., C:\\fabric). You can also place the Service Fabric Runtime file in the folder.

The version of files I use in this article:

  • Service Fabric Standalone Package:
  • Service Fabric Runtime:

2. 1. Edit ClusterConfig.json…



Jen-Hsuan Hsieh (Sean)
A Layman

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