Web Design — Create an SVG Animation React Component with gsap

Jen-Hsuan Hsieh (Sean)
A Layman
Published in
5 min readApr 2, 2021


In this article, we will go through the process of creating an animation component in the React project with gsap. we will walk through three parts.

  • Prepare SVG
  • Wrap SVG in a React Component
  • Turn SVG to the animation with gsap and React hooks

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Let’s getting started!

Prepare the SVG

There are a few methods to retrieve SVG files.

1. Download free SVG sources

There are a bunch of free SVG icons, you can find the favorite ones from websites like unDraw, flaticon if you don’t want to take time to make one.

2. Create and export SVG from Sketch

Sketch provides basic operations of creating geometry icons.

  • The advantages of Sketch include rich tutorials, communities, and plugins.
  • Now it only supports macOS.



Jen-Hsuan Hsieh (Sean)
A Layman

Frontend Developer🚀 Angular • React • Nest • Electron • Micro-frontend • Monorepo Architecture • https://daily-learning.herokuapp.com/