A designer’s bottom line.

Mitra Mejía
Ode to code
Published in
1 min readSep 14, 2015

When I started working as an User Interface Designer things were pretty straightforward,

A client came. I made deliverables. I got paid.

I loved designing interfaces, but I wasn’t satisfied

I wanted to know what made the wheels turn beside the interfaces I crafted. Curiosity fueled my ambition. I wanted to understand how everything worked. I didn’t want to design just the interface. I wanted to design the whole solution to my clients problems.

This mindset proved to be useful at moment of negotiating with a client. It gives you a rational point of view of the problem at hand. It breaks right through the notion of designers as merely pixel pushers.

My approach to design became more accurate and rational. I balanced my passion for colors and patterns with data analysis and statistics. I understood my clients better. It made this job more satisfying.

Our mission as designers is to solve problems. That’s why we are hired.

