Decoding Intuition. The McGregor Effect.

As many others have called it “The law of attraction”. Believe or not it just takes 10.000 hours for anyone to become a master in anything.

Just bear in mind to keep your health up to be able to enjoy it when it comes. Or might be the case it’s already there.

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Some people will call it success, others happiness, persistence, and many more they will call it luck.

Like it or not there are not many other ways to make it happen rather than time, persistence and courage to go beyond what most of the rest will not do.

And then it will come without you realizing it. And it is because when nobody else believed you did. When nobody else what putting in the work, you were. When no one else cared, you did.

And suddenly it happened, you got that thing you were requesting to the universe. And the universe responded to your work, your time, your effort and relentless belief that one day, it would happen.

Or it was even happening all the time because you felt successful, grateful and happy all the way down to the final recognition of your work. Because it was not even a title or recognition what you were searching for, but a bigger purpose than yourself, which makes sense not only at the end of the way but every single second you spent in that thing you wanted to craft.

The McGregor Effect

You might like him or not. Even myself I used to not like him. Probably I still don’t like the marketing he chooses to make.

However, I have to recognize he is a very clear example as many others, where persistence, believing in himself when no one else did and putting in the hours, paid off every single second invested in making a faraway dream come true.

I invite you to check this out Conor McGregor: How I Used The Law of Attraction to Visualize my Success into Reality. Even if you want to go directly to the real part of it all, put it forward to the 8.01, 9.20 and 11.29 minute, respectively.

Liking him or not, he is a real proof of what it really means believing in yourself when no one else does or did.

On his own words “You got to be a little gone to it, you got to be almost insane to your craft, and not a lot of people understand that”.

As many others will tell you, it’s not your genetics, nor your natural gifts or luck that will make you accomplish whichever bigger purpose you feel for yourself.

It will be only you, when no one else is there, who will have to find the motivation, energy and time to make things happen, not 10 times but 10.000 times, again and again, failing 9.999 times, amongst sacrifice, enjoying those every 9.999 failures.

Find that thing you would be willing to die or live for, but find it soon as time goes by quickly and never comes back.

Once again it might not be requiring you traveling the world or changing drastically what you do, but probably seriously question yourself, who you are and why you are so.

And when you do, it will not matter what the hell you will be doing, or where the hell you will be.

Everything will make sense, from that moment on. You will not give importance to what others will say because you will get an infinite source of energy to go there, every day, every second.

Even, might be the case you will start to carefully consider other people’s points of view more than before. Or ego will be not reigning you anymore. It might sound crazy, but yes I do believe in everybody’s craft. And of course, I do believe in mine. Make yours reign 10.000 times.

And it was even happening all the time, because you felt successful all the way down to the final recognition of your work, because it was not even a title or recognition what you were searching for, but a bigger purpose than yourself, which makes sense not only at the end of the way but every single second you spent in that thing you wanted to craft.

All the best for 2018!. Connect if you feel like sharing any simple idea, and do subscribe.

Ignacio Gallo Campos

About the author

Any project you want to jointly work or write about? Any conference you want me to participate in? — Get in touch. Watch me on Youtube and subscribe to get unique monthly videos.

Ignacio has published a trilogy in which he has been working since 2011 to 2017 called, “A life in a second”. Click on the titles and make them yours via, Google books or Amazon. Discover “The biggest fake” , “All dogs are Labradors”, and “A life in a second” and live an inner trip to that past, this present and those decisions which make you the one you are now, to choose then the one you really want to be, for every second of the rest of your life.

