Navigating Modern Challenges: Finding Happiness Within

Nitin Garg
A Life to Remember
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2024

Exploring Inner Paths to Joy Amidst Contemporary Struggles

In today’s world, many people feel sad because of things like blaming others, comparing themselves, and holding onto grudges. Families sometimes stop talking because of personal issues.

But true happiness comes from within. Here are some ways to find it:

  1. Blame game: Pointing fingers at others instead of taking responsibility.
  2. Comparison: Measuring ourselves against others, often leading to dissatisfaction.
  3. Negative Thoughts: Remember, karma comes back, so thinking badly about others affects us too.
  4. Holding onto Grudges: Letting small things from the past affect our present and future.
  5. Family Discord: Personal vendettas can cause families to stop communicating.

Remember, your happiness is within you. Here’s how to nurture it:

  1. Live in the Moment: Embrace the present, whether it brings joy or sorrow.
  2. Avoid Comparison: Find contentment in who you are, without comparing to others.
  3. Practice Selfless Service: Helping others brings inner peace and joy.
  4. Embrace Happy Moments: Cherish moments of joy when they come your way.
  5. Finding Happiness Amidst Sadness: Seek happiness even in difficult times.
  6. Be There for Others: Support loved ones in both their happiness and pain.

By following these steps, we can cultivate happiness from within and navigate life’s challenges with resilience.



Nitin Garg
A Life to Remember

A Soul Writer, IT software Engineer. I write about Life experiences, life purpose, empathy, gratitude, Selfless service, Technical topics articles.