Understanding AI: Abilities and Limitations Explored

Nitin Garg
A Life to Remember
Published in
1 min read6 days ago
A basic understanding of AI

This is what I’ve gained insight into after using AI. A basic understanding of AI :

🤖 What AI Can Do: 🤖

🔹 AI is good at generating output, but it doesn’t truly understand. 🤖

🔹 It uses lots of data to make decisions and provide answers based on the questions asked. 📊

🔹 It remembers past conversations; for example, it recalls what we talked about earlier. 🧠

🔹 AI can help correct mistakes and suggest new ideas. 💡

🔹 It avoids answering questions that could harm or mislead others. ✋

🤔 Limitations: 🤔

🔸 Sometimes, AI may give unexpected results. 🤔

🔸 Users should ensure the answers match what they expect. 👥

🔸 AI often mentions it has limited information after 2021. 📅

🔸 AI can’t understand emotions or human senses like people can. ❌😔

🔸 I read that AI using biased historical data is a concern in hiring processes. ⚖️🤖

PS : I am still learning. 🤖 👨🎓



Nitin Garg
A Life to Remember

A Soul Writer, IT software Engineer. I write about Life experiences, life purpose, empathy, gratitude, Selfless service, Technical topics articles.