My Favorite Quotes From Rod Serling

Submitted for your perusal, insights from my writing muse

Kiki Wellington
A list of my favourite things


Photo courtesy of Paul from Shadow & Substance.

Someone asked me once, “If you could spend the night with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?” I said, “That’s easy. I’d spend a night writing with Rod Serling.” She told me, of course, that’s not what she meant, and I let her know that anybody can have sex, but few people got the chance to learn up close and personal from the master.

And it’s no wonder that was my answer: I adore The Twilight Zone* and it’s one of my favorite shows of all time. Serling has been my writing muse for years. In fact, an episode of the show inspired an erotic story I wrote — which I’m not sure if he would find flattering or horrifying or a little of both. What I do know is that the quotes I love from him were not just in his shows, but also things he said in interviews. The following are some of my favorites that can be found in the documentary American Masters Presents: Rod Serling — Submitted for Your Approval.

1. “Writing is a demanding profession and a selfish one. And because it is selfish and demanding, because it is compulsive and exacting, I didn’t embrace it. I succumbed to it.”

2. “On a writer’s way up, he meets a lot of people. In some rare cases, there’s a person along the way who happens to be around just when they’re needed. Perhaps just…

