Here’s My Re-Entry Plan

I’m making 4 small shifts

Samantha Hodder
A Little Bit Better


Image of a giant number 4 in a parking garage. Image Jordan Graff
Photo by Jordan Graff on Unsplash

It’s been a helluva year. I can’t count how many days that work bled into the school, school bled into parenting, and parenting bled into chaos, and so it repeated, in a very much Groundhogian way.

These days it’s occurring to me how much I miss hugging my friends, and my mom, who as a widow hasn’t had a hug from anyone — in over a year. I’m trying to recall what the hum of a buzzing city actually felt like, what it was like to squeeze into a subway at rush hour, run in a marathon with thousands of others, be in an over-crowded arena watching professional sports or dancing to music in public. None of this is on offer any time soon, not in the old version of the world, even though we have entered into the vaccine phase of this pandemic. Patience now is required, young Jedi.

We are on the precipice of our new reality, and what that will look like will depend on where you live. Texas declared itself open 100% this week — against the advice from the CDC and President Biden, but oh well. Texas and Mississippi also both ditched their mandatory mask mandates. If you’re in the camp of people that think this is ludicrous, let it just serve as a reminder that we all get to choose what our new normal will be. If you’re not sure what you want your new normal to look like, beware that there’s a host of corporations and



Samantha Hodder
A Little Bit Better

Audio Producer, Writer | 🎙Podcast Host | 💌Narrative Podcast Newsletter | 🐠Find Your Fish!|