I’ll Start Tomorrow . . .

How to reject procrastination and get started today

Michelle Loucadoux
A Little Bit Better


Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

I write this article because, for three weeks, I put off doing one thing that was VERY simple. If I hadn’t done two very specific things to change my trajectory, I would still be putting it off.

See, the procrastination time warp happens very sneakily. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” on one day turns into a few days which turns into a week which turns into two. The next thing you know, you haven’t done the one thing you wanted to do for three entire weeks, but you have done everything else in the world that is probably significantly less important.

I have been meaning to start a self-care ritual since October. I have a pretty awesome little experiment planned in order to write an article for Medium, but it requires me to run three miles per day, journal, and do the hardest thing in the world (for me) to do — meditate.

I KNOW that all of these things are good for me. I KNOW that this is a good idea for an article and that there is no down-side here. I also just plain didn’t start doing it for three weeks. At one point, I looked back and thought, where did the time go?

Right now, we all have a double whammy procrastination speed bump on planet Earth. First of all, there is a lot going on in the world. No matter where you…



Michelle Loucadoux
A Little Bit Better

Author, educator, and self-improvement nerd. Co-founder of Danscend. My books: shorturl.at/lrtOV My email: Loucadouxmichelle@gmail.com