Oprah’s Four Basic Success Traits

We’re born with them, but are you using them?

Hunter N. Schultz
A Little Bit Better


Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels

In early January 1984, I was watching AM Chicago’s new host on WLS-TV. She wasn’t your typical morning show talking head. Here was a force of nature jumping off the screen and into our den. Given the almost meteoric rise of her ratings, I wasn’t the only one sensing it. Something special was happening.

I called out to my dad as he had to see this. After watching for five minutes, I said, “Dad, she’s going to be a star.” He said, “You’re right, and she’s a good example of OEII.”

Yes, the young woman was Oprah Winfrey, and the rest is history.

But what’s “It?”

I see striking similarities between my dad’s OEII Concept and show business’ “It”. Oprah’s but one example. In Hollywood, mention any highly successful actor’s name, and you often hear, “They have it,” with a slight emphasis on “it.” Hence the capital I.

My friends in the entertainment business say they can’t describe It, but they know It when they see it. Some call it charisma, others star power. But they only cover part of It.

Before exploring OEII, let’s set the stage.

A memorable shock and awe



Hunter N. Schultz
A Little Bit Better

Author of the Expat Health Guide, and re-arranging electrons for TravelAwaits.com while living in Panama. Reaching for the stars. Mud’s not an option.