The 4 Responsibilities of a Happy Life

And how the ripples of momentum can make or break it.

Sion Evans
A Little Bit Better


Photo by Amarnath Tade on Unsplash

Six years ago, I was overweight, unfit, jobless, single, and living with my parents. I had no direction, no path, nor a reason to get up in the morning.

I had been letting other people have a say in what my life looked like because I had failed to take the time to do it for myself. I’d cut corners, I tried to find the easy way out, and was destined for a less than ideal life.

I had been waiting for the answers to fall in my lap, for someone to fix me or even save me, not realizing I was giving away my power for any worthwhile change to transpire.

I didn’t know what to do or how to get out of this funk I was in, but I knew it had to change, starting with how I felt about myself.

1. Self-love

I’ve documented my journey with self-love before, and even now, I still have times when I struggle with it. It’s a lesson that I need to remind myself time and time again. It’s not because I don’t value self-love; it’s because I’m also fending off self-sabotaging thoughts that I spent years cultivating.

Back when I was seventeen years old, I had hypnotherapy that turned my life around. It taught me that I didn’t need to be a victim of my nature…

