The Simple Technique I Use to Boost my Productivity for any Project

A lot can be accomplished when we think about time differently

Elizabeth Gordon
A Little Bit Better


Image courtesy of Nathália Rosa on Unsplash

I learned the best productivity advice from my former marketing coach.

Most folks believe if they work on something non-stop, they will be able to churn out more work at a faster rate. What usually happens is the exact opposite: a feeling of shame, stress and paralysis when we can’t fulfill the lofty goal we have set for ourselves.

On top of that, we’ve burned ourselves out, making it all the more difficult to come back for more.

Enter my coach, who changed the way I thought about tasks and how to complete them with more ease.

Her advice is simple but profound: Do less, more often.

If there is a large project you are wanting to complete, break it down into doable chunks.

Decide that you will commit to five sessions of 20-minute work bursts throughout the day. Schedule these and stick to them.

If you decide to perform the sessions back to back, take at least a 5-minute break in between.

Now, here is the tricky part: for that 20 minutes, only work on the task at hand. No social media breaks, no checking your phone every minute…



Elizabeth Gordon
A Little Bit Better

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!