Writing a Manuscript Helped Me Move Across the World

Courage can come from unexpected places.

Asher "Zach" Neuman
A Little Bit Better


Credit: Ankit Singh, Unsplash

It all started with a “like” on Twitter, on a day when those mattered.

Every so often on Twitter, there’s an event called #Pitmad, where unrepresented writers can pitch their stories to agencies and publishing houses. If one of those people gives your tweet a “like,” then you can send them your pitch and the first three chapters of the proposed book.

I was working on a sci-fi story at the time, so I pitched that one first. However, another story was also coming together in my head, and I took a shot and tweeted it out as well. Out of the tweets that I wrote for two stories, the smaller one got the coveted “like.”

That happened sometime in December of 2018. I began another dream during that time, one far bigger than anything I’d ever done until that point- moving across the world to Israel. It was nothing but a pipe dream at the time, but it had been an idea of mine since I graduated from college.

The plan was to get a job and build some experience, then move. Unfortunately, initially, the first part hadn’t happened, and I was still working part-time for some companies. I had just lost a client, so it makes sense that I was still in bed at 9 am on a Tuesday when my parents were already at…



Asher "Zach" Neuman
A Little Bit Better

Writing about creativity, authentic marketing, and unlocking potential. Support my work here: https://asherneuman.substack.com/