Fresher? Tips to help you de-stress!

Saniya Bedi
A Little Bit of Me
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2017
Image Source- Google

“In this busy world of ours, where special times are few; its the time to applaud for you, for getting through a college that many only dream to!”

Yes! Not many are able to achieve what you have conquered! So, pause for a minute and feel proud of yourself for doing so well! :) Congratulations!

The first semester in college will involve meeting fresh faces and experiencing all that you haven’t till now- an exciting and daunting prospect in equal measure. Sounds tough? Fret not! That is because here are some tips that you could keep in mind while your new stint begins!

  • Lets make new friends!

Some of you have left the comforts of your homes and have come all the way to gain knowledge. We are really proud of you since you have exhibited immense courage in doing so. The first challenge post that is making new friends with whom you will be sharing memories!

A quick tip- Yes, you may feel shy, but we would encourage you to make an effort to pass a smile, wave a hand & introduce yourself. You will be surprised to know that you are not the only one who maybe feeling shy and lonely/isolated in this new atmosphere! However, do keep in mind that you can’t be everyone’s new best friend! Pick the people with whom you instinctively and intrinsically feel you will have a good rapport.

  • Don’t forget your old friends

It maybe possible that your close friends have not joined the same college as you have, but in this technologically sound environment there are various methods of being in touch! Do keep in contact with old friends. They were your support for so many years and will continue to do so.

  • Keep in touch with your family

Yes, you should make contacts and friends at college. However, in that process, try and not ignore your family members. They were the ones who likely encouraged you to get to where you are today. Give them a call, message them, share your experiences with them, send them a card, or do something during the semester to let them know you are thinking about them.

  • The serious stuff

It may seem like the social aspect at college is all-consuming but you will have important tasks to do, such as being a part of valuable introductory talks and library familiarisation sessions.You don’t want to get lost looking for your first lecture. Use the time to check out all the amenities available at the college & how best can you avail them!

  • Empty wallet syndrome

There is bound to be someone you meet who spends a whole semester’s pocket money in the first week. Make sure it’s not you. Work out what you can afford to spend for each night out.Talking of budgets, don’t forget to draw one up. If you have just received your pocket money, you may feel super-rich, but avoid the temptation to spend it all at one go.

  • Learn how to balance and prioritise

Time management skills are essential for exploring all that college life has to offer. There will always be activities, social events, trips, homework, and tests etc. Part of life is managing the time that we have, so my advice would be to learn this early on in your college life.

  • Learn about yourself

Self- awareness is essential. Try and figure out what is your bigger goal in life- what is it that you would want out of life. You don’t need to know right away, but you could do this as you experience new things, meet new people, and explore the world of knowledge.

  • Keeping healthy and safe

Our very own “Freshers’ flu” is always ready to attack the sleep-deprived and poorly nourished. To keep it at bay, make sure you eat healthy including lots of water & fruit.

Yes, have new experiences. Yes, be silly. However, do not try things that you know might endanger your life, health or self-image or that of others.

  • Learn from your mistakes

If you do something wrong, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes. College is a time not only for learning about your specialisation but for learning about life! Learning how to come back from mistakes is a big part of the college experience.

  • Reward Yourself

Yes, college comes with added responsibilities and work pressure. However, take care of yourself too! Take a break from the ‘pursuit of happiness’ & just BE HAPPY! Celebrate big and small successes. Between thinking about all that you could have achieved in the past or all that you can in the future- reward yourself for all that you have already achieved!

  • Do ask for help whenever needed!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Please ASK! There would be people in college who would love to help you. These could be professors, counsellors, seniors or your class mates! Not every new student’s transition into college life is a smooth one and that is completely OKAY!

No matter how challenging or great a day may look like, its essential to embrace whatever comes your way. We cannot escape challenges however we can alter our take on them. Whenever life gives you surprises, enjoy them and when difficulties come your way, remember ‘This too shall pass”- good times or bad ones pass with time, nothing is constant so make the best of what life has to offer you! And in case you need any help, we are there to help you and take good care of you!



Saniya Bedi
A Little Bit of Me

I am a counselling psychologist. Here on medium to share my experiences and views on mental health! Happy Reading!