The Secret of Non-Living Things

Haroun Risa
A Little Crumb of Heaven
1 min readJan 24, 2017

I feel like non-living things have a secret.

Living things may have full control over non-living things, and can manipulate them to anything they want, but
I feel like non-living things mock us.
They watch every single deed we commit
Just like the walls, they have ears.
They wink at each other in every family gathering.
They nod in understanding every time we stepped on the accelerator
As we ran over less fortunate folks going about their business.

Non-living things laugh behind our backs every time we use them to brag to the world.

Non-living things tell tales of generations that occupied, owned, inhabited and lived in them.
Generations that prided themselves in the things they owned
Blind to the secret the non-living things paint in broad daylight
And deaf to the secret being shouted to the world.

God put us into this world to have total control over it
He must have whispered in the ears of the walls
To stay silent and learn from us
To acknowledge the powerful secret that we living things didn’t deserve
And enjoy the sweetness of the reward for their silence.

We pride ourselves over them,
Yet they laugh at our blind ignorance
And God smiles at the stupidity we have clouded ourselves in.

Non-living things have a secret.
They are immortal.

Living things aren’t.


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