Youtube University

Haroun Risa
A Little Crumb of Heaven
1 min readJan 24, 2017

The only pain was when you got the beating of your life
Or when you tripped and skimmed your knees.

Race was only about who was the fastest.

Will we ever remember the joy
And how fun it was to play Brikicho?

Vodka took the place of soda.
A simple encounter ended in intercourse

We were allowed to play
We never worried about taxes
Or how the government is ripping billions off its people
Or how we’re enslaved by student debt
YouTube University being the only option left

Goodbye lasted a night

Cha Baba Cha Mama was entertainment.
We took afternoon naps.
We were at times brought treats by relatives
We were lifted into the sky with love and affection and warmly embraced for the sweet angels we were.

There was never a shortchanged of food.

How we couldn’t wait to grow up.


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