📸 — Chiang Mai, Thailand

Our Little Detour🌏✈️ 👫
A Little Detour
Published in
6 min readMay 8, 2018

We’ve been living a semi-normal lifestyle here in Chiang Mai which was random because when we talked to Maeghan’s sister and few friends who had come years ago… they described a very different place than the Chiang Mai we are living.

So what have we done in Chiang Mai? We’ve eaten lots of very good and cheap food, we’ve made a few friends and started working on our personal projects.

Olivier built an extension to help with Maeghan’s social media detox. It essentially redirects you to Messenger every time you try to visit Facebook (its always better to talk to people directly than stare at a ad / meme filled newsfeed) If you want to try it, delete facebook from your phone and download this Chrome extension. He’s now working on a new travel dashboard to help us travel better.

Maeghan’s been practicing her Javascript and working on a new website in addition to taking some sketching, cooking and writing online workshops.

We’ve also been taking pictures.. (obviously). So here is what we’ve been seeing doing.

See more on our website www.alittledetour.ca🌏✈️👫

A very cute class we took a musicbox workshop in. The owner was pure magic, a kind gentle man who simply loves creativity and music.
Made a “Jude” Box… get it? like jukebox…😂
This unicorn of a dessert that got everyones attention at the “Melt Me” dessert bar.
Ristr8to Cafe in Chiang Mai is the winner of many Latte Art competitions. And they are amazing… A MF UNICORN!
Artisitc photos of the latte art.

We learned that durian fruit (the spiky one in the corner) can be deadly if consumed with soda! Locals have told us… but the internet says its not for sure… now we are not eager to try one…

Yes! This is the food we made. pad thai, green curry, tom yuk soup, spring rolls and mango sticky rice. Anyone who comes to our house when we get home will have some authentic food 😉

Guy listening to street band with his over enthusiastic cat.
My Beer Friend has an old nintendo to nerd out with.
That view of chiang mai ☁️

These little girls sit and ask for money while their mom tries to sell stuff closer to the temple. They probably won’t get the chance to go to school because they need to provide for their family that lives outside of the city.

See more on our website www.alittledetour.ca🌏✈️👫



Our Little Detour🌏✈️ 👫
A Little Detour

hi there! Maeghan & Oli here — we’re checking in from our around-the-world tour. See pictures here, read content here 👉www.alittledetour.ca