📸 — Saigon & Dalat, Vietnam

Our Little Detour🌏✈️ 👫
A Little Detour
Published in
9 min readApr 6, 2018

Olivier reunited with his parents after 5 months away while in Ho Chi Minh (or Saigon as they used to call it).

The Beaulieu’s decided to relive the journey of Etienne (Or ATM as the Vietnamese call him 😉), Olivier’s little brother who came to Vietnam last spring for his graduation trip.

We started off at the War Museum — and it was tough. A few words to describe the experience could be: shocking, heartbreaking and informative with no sugar coating.

It shares the detailed stories of civilians and solders with pictures, videos and published journals or newspapers.

After grounding ourselves, we ventured out and around town — it’s the Beaulieu’s first time in a big city in Asia! So the motor bikes, traffic and new ways of doing things was fun to watch. After two days there, we took a plane to Dalat to check out some fun tours, history lessons and agricultural experiences.

NOTE: The first few pictures of pictures from the war museum show some gore content. Kids, be sure to skip through to the picture of Oli walking through the garden.

See more on our website www.alittledetour.ca🌏✈️👫

Learning to cross the street in Ho Chi Minh
Reunited for the first time in 5 months.
The power line situation.
Heli-Bar. 52 floor of high rise with helicopter pad arrivals… if you pay for it.
Watching the sunset.
wifi is life.
Heli-Bar from down low!
Crazy Maze bar — its a bunch of different levels and floors and Nooks for you to drink and hang out. Also a total fire hazard.
Pictures do it no justice… you must go. Dalat Maze Bar
Night Market
My Jello is happy to see me!
Local farmer cleaning his red roses
Coffee Flower
Weasel coffee.. the bean is consumed by the weasel, digested… then.. well, shit out and cleaned for roasting.
We drank some. In the US, i’ve seen Weasel coffee sell for $50 a cup. So $5 for 1/4 a cup didn’t seem so bad.
The little weasel tired from eating so much coffee.
Stopped by a farm. They had crocs, pigs, crickets and more
That time we ate crickets.
Silk Worm factory
The patterns for weaving the silk.
This is what fun looks like.
Rock texture is bumpy and uneasy to walk on.
my best friend is being pet… and he isn’t playing with me.
I really tried to take the doggo best friends home with us. but they loved their sticks and the open road too much. ❤️
Mushroom farm.
The chicken story — of two people who fell in love and the wife had to pay for the husband.

The story goes two people fell in love. The man from a wealthy family, and woman from a poor. The rich family knew she couldn’t afford to buy their son so they told her to go into the forest and find a chicken with the nicest legs (true story) with the most dangly thingies on the back. So she did.

After a few days she didn’t return, so the man went to go find her. And they were never seen again. This Chicken is the symbol of their love.

Coffee beans drying on the front yard.
The Crazy House — a place designed by a local woman to be a hotel with crazy themed rooms and obstacles.

See more on our website www.alittledetour.ca🌏✈️👫



Our Little Detour🌏✈️ 👫
A Little Detour

hi there! Maeghan & Oli here — we’re checking in from our around-the-world tour. See pictures here, read content here 👉www.alittledetour.ca