📸 — Tromsø, Norway

Our Little Detour🌏✈️ 👫
A Little Detour
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2018

Olivier told Theresa and Maeghan that we booked a flight to Tromsø, but it wasn’t until the day the day we flew out that Maeghan realized how far north we were actually going.

So far.… we are ABOVE Iceland! and IN the ARCTIC CIRCLE! And that POLAR BEARS, REINDEER, WHALES and other arctic animals call this place home!

Arriving into Tromsø is a treat because as we were landing, the clouds made a layer around the mountains and totally reminded Maeghan of home ❤️. But once we got through the clouds, the rain had set in and the adventures truly began. Our goal was to go hiking and search for some of the wildlife around and we were totally in luck!

Here are our adventures from above the arctic circle!

See more on our website www.alittledetour.ca🌏✈️👫

Right: That view though ❤️
Tromsø Harbour
Rain can’t stop us — we did the Gondola hike up to the top of the local city mountain
Arctic Church
The island of Tromsø
The bridges across islands here are crazy long and tall to accomodate for the cruise ships and ferries that need to pass by
There were SOOOO many flies on the way up
you can see flies in a lot of these pictures. Maeghan calls them action shots.
Our night out was pizza and drinks to watch the FIFA World Cup Final. Even up north people love that soccer!
We may or may not be lit in this picture.
Please note the sunrise and sunset time. 😂
A ship used in sealing expeditions!
Another day, another hike!
Even more flies. All our videos and pictures have a fly cameo.
Olivier’s Sound of Music impression
Hello Fjord!
Doing action pano photos to include everyone
Final stop
Stacked rocks have been found at every designation we visit.
Where them flies at.

Maeghan was so bummed that we didn’t see Reindeer on the island hike and no sooner did we reach the bottom… we found a small family of THREE WILD REINDEER!

The baby one was chilling in the shade (Norway is having record breaking heat waves — and yes, we also went for a swim in the arctic water!) and we go to walk pretty close and say hi 😊

Maeghan vlogging and losing her mind.
11:40pm evening stroll. #midnightsun
Maeghan and Oli posing for Theresa.
Evening stroll at 11:30pm again. It’s hard to sleep at night and your body is constantly confused with whether it should be awake or sleeping.

Last day in Tromsø and we finally figured out the plan for the rest of the Norway trip! We have boat rides, glacier hikes and vikings in our future. 😉

When you are trying to plan… and the best way is on a piece of paper.

See more on our website www.alittledetour.ca🌏✈️👫



Our Little Detour🌏✈️ 👫
A Little Detour

hi there! Maeghan & Oli here — we’re checking in from our around-the-world tour. See pictures here, read content here 👉www.alittledetour.ca