A key amongst some leaves.
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

A Gypsy, a Slice of Pizza, and The Keys to Life.

A short story about surrendering to the flow of life, valuing your gifts, and conquering self-doubt.

Adam French
Published in
8 min readFeb 12, 2024


The other day was one of those days that confound, delight, and plant deep seeds of hope in the heart.

Like many recent days, it started out with a lot of self-doubt and struggling with the limitations my mind seeks to impose on my creative endeavors.

I’m in the midst of finishing and launching some offerings for my business Interform. The goal is to supercharge and connect the efforts of community-driven entrepreneurs.

My whole career, I’ve worked deeply with these entrepreneurs — first as a UX and communication designer, then as a strategist and coach. I’ve recently expanded my practice through cooperative business models and regenerative design - or the process of creating in partnership with your place as a spiritual being.

I created a successful design business in just a few years right out of college, enjoyed my work, and delivered awesome value. Now it’s time for the next step.

But like many creatives and entrepreneurs, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and the other traps of my mind test me at each step of the way. Lately, I’ve struggled deeply with focusing



Adam French
Pragmatic Wisdom

Regenerative Design + Entrepreneurship + Personal Development & Spirituality. Want to jam? Hit me up adam@interform.space