A Rising Wave Can’t Stop You

It may scare you but it can’t stop you

Yoshita Jain
Pragmatic Wisdom
2 min readJan 12, 2024


Image by Lan Hollis

A rising wave can’t stop you. It may scare you but it can’t stop you.

Why can’t you cross the rising waves? What’s causing the rocking of your boat? Take a deep breath, and let things unfold naturally.

Be courageous; courageous enough to confront those who assert your inability. You have the choice between going or dying, it’s up to you.

Whether you take off and evolve into a bird of sunlight, saving the deep shadow of night, or just sit back and remain silent, demonstrating that the opinions of others are valid; the choice is all yours.

If you give up because of the fear, then how can you be powerful?

Your heart is filled with light, and you can rip apart every shackle.

Tighten the neck of the waves.

So that the ocean itself says, 'Well done boy, you made it!'

Or maybe I’ll inquire again, why can’t you cross those swelling waves?

People try to intimidate, halt, and make you feel awful, but you have to muster the confidence to meet them head-on, much like a sailor tackles the waves, according to the metaphor that compares people to rising waves and you to a sailor.

