Bad Days Always Come to An End

And in comes the good

Khushi Anand
Pragmatic Wisdom
2 min readMay 7, 2024


A lady in a summer dress watching a beautiful golden sunset. Nature always makes you feel like you’ll be okay.
Photo by Vinicius on Unsplash

Every once in a while, we all have those days.

When nothing feels right — your job feels a bit sucky, your partner won’t stop frustrating you, your friends seem unavailable — and nothing is going well.

Sometimes they last just a few days, sometimes a week, maybe even more.

Some days, it’s worse than usual. You can’t find the motivation to get out of your bed, your room looks like a raccoon went through it looking for a slice of pizza, and your emotions — well they’re out of control now, aren’t they?

Life just sucks.

But here’s the thing. It all eventually comes to an end. It’s always sparked by one good thing, isn’t it?

One moment of positivity — a compliment a stranger pays you, someone appreciating your hard work at your job, your partner doing something nice for you, or a friend making you smile.

Sometimes the change is internal — maybe you decide, f*ck it, I’m just done moping, maybe you pick up a book that gets you feeling better, maybe you work through things in your head and journal it out.

The point is that no matter how or why or even when, all bad days come to an end. Then why is it that we fixate on happiness and sadness so much?

Joy and grief both pass. You cannot live in one forever.

A flower does not bloom at all times of the year. But it knows it will bloom again. It will not wilt forever.

Neither will you.

We must accept that life won’t be shiny and sparkly all the damn time. Some days will be frustrating, some exciting, some joyous, some hopeless. And we’ll experience all of it all over again.

So when you’re down, don’t worry about happiness. Don’t go reading another self-help book about how to find everlasting joy. The good days will come. Life will feel like a movie again.

You will laugh, love, cry, break, and laugh again. Just enjoy where you are for now.

If you need to, stay in bed all day. Recoup for those long days in the sun running around with your loved ones.

With love,


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Khushi Anand
Pragmatic Wisdom

Sharing everything I learn on my personal growth journey. Come along for some self-improvement, life lessons, spirituality and personal growth.