Embrace. It. All.

Survive. Never ask for love. Fear no more

♡ ℳary kate ♡
Pragmatic Wisdom
5 min readFeb 29, 2024


Photo Made By Author in Canva

Imagine your life as an expansive ocean, underneath a disastrous hurricane, with chaotic waves crashing against the shore of your existence. Instead of lamenting over the tide’s lost treasures, discover the real riches that its most destructive waves create.

We must remember that if we survive an incorrigible tempest, we have already won. For it is in the eye of the storm, where the waves crash the hardest, where diamonds are made. The moments that nearly break us, the waves that whip us so hard we almost die, are the ones that make us.

When we regain consciousness, everything has changed. We wake up bruised, but not broken. Life can truly change in an instant, for better or for worse. I believe that even if we are experiencing the latter, in retrospect, these moments will prove to be crucially important in God’s plan for us. Nothing is more motivating than the realization that you can only count on and trust in yourself.

Do not wear misfortune as a cloak of personal defeat. Wear it as a badge of unprecedented honor. Never let others’ opinions or deep-seated issues against you hold you down. Never let yourself exist in someone else’s reality. Never believe in the “when,” and the “we’s.” You will come to know that they will never happen. I’m so sorry to tell you, but years later, they shockingly become “I’s” and “me’s.” How ironic is it that the loneliest people are the same people who believe that they need the love of others to survive?

Never ask for love

— one of the ardent anchors of stoicism. So what happens when Prince Charming decides that Sleeping Beauty isn’t the princess he wants to spend “happily ever after” with? Aurora (even her name is unmemorable) is presented as someone whose entire existence relies on a Prince’s kiss.

It is during these “Tower Moments,” that, as an empath, I feel most vulnerable to the evil eye. I am currently wading through the tide as I approach the breaking point ahead. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to bury my head in the sand. But I need to stay strong, to face my head-on collision with the tempest. I know that after this battle, I will rejoice in my truth. I am staying close to God, my Guardian Angels, Archangels, spirit guides, and ancestors. Sink or swim.

In this part of the journey, it is vital that you turn inwards and focus 💯 on yourself. Harness the ancient power of being able to combat bullshit. Know that you are deserving of all good things and that your pure intentions protect you from any poison.

You are destined for divine intervention, for success, for all of the things that you are currently devoid of. Your fate is to wake up each morning, not to the sound of others narrating your story, but to the peace of mind of knowing that you alone are the sole writer of your entire existence.

Fear no more

You have nothing to fear. No one can hurt you unless you let them. You remain protected, even if you were stupid enough to give your enemy a loaded gun. This is impossible because you are in the process of telling your story. You are no longer embarrassed, ashamed, in pain, fearful, or defeated.

You have come to terms that your existence is something that you have already started living. This moment of cataclysmic change defines you. Maintain balance. Focus. Don’t quit. Be logical, not emotional. Shut the door to the voices and the entrapment they represent. Just be you.

Stay close to God, pray, and have faith that life is going to work out for the best for you. This is because you know the truth. Prepare for the devil’s serpents to start slithering and hissing around you. But, surprise, you are immune to their lethal venom. Embrace this monumental realization. You are so beyond the horizon.

The energy vampires that have tried so hard to suck you dry, are in your rear-view mirror. Your story is like the weather, ever-changing and impartial. It’s up to you to either shine brightly in the sunlight or to wither in the shadows of adversity.

Avoid the trap of measuring your worth by the yardstick of others. Just as every star in the night sky shines with its own light, so too do people only reveal their brightest sides, concealing their storms and battles within.

Strive to outshine the person you were yesterday — that is the most meaningful comparison. Time spent coveting the talents of another is time stolen from polishing your own unique strengths. Consider your abilities as rare and powerful artifacts, awaiting your command to unleash their potential. Embrace these inner treasures, for they are your true superpowers, waiting to illuminate the world.

Do not let the weight of the moment anchor you in the depths of despair. Even when the fog of uncertainty clouds your path, stepping into the unknown with courage defines the essence of our journey. Recognize that the most powerful chapters of our lives are often written on pages of imperfection.

Focusing solely on the horizon of tomorrow is like trying to sail a ship with your eyes fixed on the stars; you’ll miss the beauty and possibility of the present moment. The here and now is your realm of influence, where you can sculpt, innovate, retreat, or charge forward. In this beautiful canvas of existence, you are the master artist, deciding the strokes that will paint your destiny.

Embrace the endless expanse of life’s possibilities as a playground for your aspirations. Whether you choose to climb mountains of ambition or navigate rivers of introspection, the map of your life is drawn by your own hands. You are the sole cartographer of its “X-marked spots.”

You are the architect of your fate’s blueprint, the sculptor of your dreams. Every moment is a crossroad, offering infinite paths to explore. What you make of these opportunities is your greatest power.

Embrace. It. All.



♡ ℳary kate ♡
Pragmatic Wisdom

Empath. Lover. Intuit. Marketer. Writer. Pisces. Insomniac. Over-thinker. Goal Chaser. Survivor. Believer. On a Quest to Write & Travel.