If You Want to Feel Happy, Stop Focusing on What Makes You Unhappy

You do get more of what you focus on

Elaine Hilides
Pragmatic Wisdom


Eye peering through ripped paper, focusing on what is in front of them
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

I got a parking fine yesterday, which was a bummer. But I had a lovely day with my daughter.

On the way home, I noticed myself brooding on the fine and saw how my mood dipped. Then I thought about my day, and my mood instantly lifted. This change of mood happens all day, every day, and has nothing to do with what is happening in my life.

As I type this, I’m looking out my office window at the sun glinting off the sea. We’ve been here for nearly ten years, and now that it’s time to leave, I feel sad. This is the best place I’ve ever lived.

Until now.

I feel excited when I think about our travel plans and the different areas we will visit. It’s time for a change.

Before you imagine I’m a Jekyll and Hyde character, my feelings change depending on where I focus, as do yours. What are you focusing on?

You get more of what you focus on

You must have heard this; it’s a common phrase, but what does it mean?

What you focus on is powerful. What you experience, and you experience everything via thought, changes the shape and function of your brain. Research…



Elaine Hilides
Pragmatic Wisdom

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea. elainehilides.com