My Mom Is Proud of Me Without Knowing Why

She’s like a 5-year-old

Yana Bostongirl
Pragmatic Wisdom


affectionate mother and daughter
Image by Freepik

A spidery tale

I originally come from a tropical country. There, the spiders grow big as dinner plates and have a nasty habit of popping up in unexpected places — like behind the curtains and toilet seats. Sometimes, they even do the jack-in-the-box from behind the sofa.

As you may have guessed, I’m terrified of those pesky creatures. While people in my country have learned to cohabit with their eight-legged visitors, you can hear me screaming from a mile away.

My mother started losing her memory several years ago. At first, it was the little things, but over time, it has become like a sieve. Along with it came the paranoia, irritability, and tantrums better suited to a five-year-old.

I remember we were traveling, and my mother spotted a picture of a coffee with a heart shape at a coffee shop. She immediately insisted on stopping for a coffee right then and there. When I tried to explain that it was in the opposite direction and suggested we get it on the way back, she threw a tantrum, complained, and sulked for the entire ride.

Child experts would say to leave the child be until they calmed down. I tend to do the same and it usually works. You see, she quickly forgets once something else grabs her…



Yana Bostongirl
Pragmatic Wisdom

💕I am a Boston-based blogger who writes about love, life & relationships💕| My Substack is Yana's World 🦋 🦋 Come say hi!