Sculpting Extraordinary Lives

Finding the simplicity of passion and discipline

Sulette Ferreira
Pragmatic Wisdom
6 min readFeb 8, 2024


Image by Kara Conradie

In a world captivated by the glamour of celebrity stardom, our attention is invariably drawn to the well-known figures featured on the covers of magazines and in news headlines. We are not only intrigued by their accomplishments but also by their scandals, devouring every aspect of their lives. It is no wonder that in this fascination with celebrities we often overlook the extraordinary people in our midst.

These individuals may not have necessarily changed the world on a grand scale with a unique invention or starred as the leading character in a movie but their achievements are equally incredible. By following their unique calling they not only transformed their own worlds but the lives of those fortunate enough to know them.

Coming across these extraordinary individuals is a rarity. In discovering them my curiosity to uncover the essence of their extraordinary lives becomes insatiable.

The “there must be more” people

Their unique qualities are often intangible, radiating a positive energy and enthusiasm for life. You gradually discover what sets them apart during your mind-boggling discussions. You learn about their deep-rooted passion, and you eagerly tap from their wisdom. These are the “there must be more” people, the seekers who find life intoxicating. Their curiosity drives them towards the pursuit of their true purpose.

Recently, these intangible qualities came to life right in front of my eyes: Kara, my yoga teacher transformed her well-trained body into a tangible presentation of these qualities. Her aura resonates with vibrant energy, mystery, gentleness, and strength. She exudes self-assurance, carrying herself with a sense of inner elegance and grace. Every detail of her presence is perfectly groomed and presented.

Week after week I found myself in awe by the tangible results of a life lived with passion unfolding before my eyes. Her already toned body was transforming with her muscles becoming well-defined, yet still maintaining their femininity. Her newfound strength allowed advanced yoga poses performed to perfection.

Among the handful of individuals in my collection with the spirit of “there must be more,” they all share characteristics with distinct trademarks. They are usually more mature; each one has reached a turning point in their lives that exposed them to their newly found passion; and they take Charlie Munger’s timeless wisdom to heart.

Billionaire Charlie Munger, the investing wizard and Warren Buffet’s colleague and trusted confidant recently passed away at age 99. Beyond his brilliant investing insight, he will be remembered for his entertaining style of wisdom. He once said: “There is an old two-part rule that often works wonders in business, science and elsewhere:

1 Take a simple basic idea, and

2. take it very seriously.”

The turning point

At the age of 36, Kara was married and a mother of two children when her turning point came about. It all began when a co-worker challenged her to enter a local bodybuilding competition. Without a moment’s hesitation, she accepted the challenge. Having worked in the fitness industry since the age of 17 she was used to working out.

The 19 weeks of preparation leading up to the first competition consisted of intense training sessions and strict dieting. Kara described the experience as: “The diet was a struggle, as your metabolism starts working in overdrive and you are hungry all the time.” Throughout her life, Kara has always been driven and motivated, demanding more from herself and of life.

Thoughts of quitting did cross her mind, especially at the onset of the journey, being uncertain what the outcome would be. Kara reflected on it as “the scariest thing I have ever done” recalling being on the stage “in my bikini, in front of so many people, putting myself out there with nowhere to hide.” Successfully participating in that competition, Kara was absolutely hooked and she wanted to pursue a career in bodybuilding.

In the world of bodybuilding, Kara discovered her passion: to creatively sculpt her body. By envisioning how she wanted to transform her physique she took control of the process by strictly adhering to a training program and diet.

  • Doing a few sets of push-ups each day is a simple idea.
  • Saving at least 10% of your income is a simple idea.
  • Sending thank-you notes is a simple idea.

…but most people don’t take simple ideas seriously — James Clear [1]

Taking eating and training seriously

Diets and training workouts go hand in hand for every bodybuilder, serving as the catalyst for their success. Each dietary plan is specifically tailored to their individual needs. In the process of creating the best possible physique, considering everything they consume matters.

Kara explains this commitment, stating: “Eating healthy is about consistency and discipline. It means committing to eating the exact same foods, the exact same portions every day at precisely the same time, for as long as it takes. There is no room for error, and you must keep yourself accountable.”

Over the next two years, Kara participated in more competitions. Experiencing disappointments was part of the process. In the aftermath of the Covid 19 epidemic, she faced a particular setback when she failed to secure a position in the South African championships. It was a devastating blow, but giving up was never an option for Kara.

To succeed, she employed the guidance of a professional bodybuilding coach embarking on a tailor-made training program and diet plan, keeping meticulous record of each training session and every calorie consumed. This new approach redirected her way toward achieving her bodybuilding passion.

The training became a profound lesson in perseverance. To create the physique she was visualising, Kara had to persist even when every muscle in her body was aching, diligently returning to the gym every single day. Kara believes that commitment has nothing to do with motivation, it is all about discipline.

“Your body is capable of so much more than you think it is capable of.”

The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens.— Arnold Schwarzenegger

Image by kara Conradie

Simply the best

Being invited to participate in Arnold Classic Africa in 2021 was a highlight in her bodybuilding career. Then, at the Gauteng North Provincials in 2023, she qualified to take part in the South African Championships. In this competitive arena, Kara was placed first in Fit Model Open and second in Bikini Fitness Masters.

At the age of 40, her dedication was recognised when she was honoured with South African colours in bodybuilding and had the privilege to represent South Africa at the IFBB World Fit-Model held in Lithuania. This was a dream come true for Kara. With her steadfast commitment, she claimed a fourth position in the Women’s Fit Model Open Category and a remarkable second position in the Women’s Fit Model Masters division.

Through her bodybuilding journey and especially at the world championships, Kara discovered a community of like-minded women who all share a pursuit of perfection. These women are ordinary mothers, loving wives, and dedicated athletes juggling the demands of their responsibilities with their dreams to achieve the extraordinary.

Life is not just about the turning points

By securing second place in the world championships, Kara didn’t change the world on a grand scale or become famous. Her accomplishment wasn’t even featured in the sports headlines. Yet, by embracing a life guided by the belief that “there must be more” she not only reshaped her world but left a significant mark on the lives of those few fortunate enough to witness her extraordinary journey.

Kara’s dedication embodies her mantra: “We have only one life live it on your own terms.” This echoes the sentiments expressed by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his autobiography “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story”:

What is the point of being on this Earth if you are going to be like everyone else?

Doing life is a work in progress, shaped not only by significant turning points but also by the often-overlooked, mundane tasks that fill the gaps in between — our everyday choices.

Those who seek more have perfected doing small things exceptionally well over a lifetime. They are ordinary people whose passion is fuelled by discipline.

Thank you, James Bellerjeau, for your editing magic.



Sulette Ferreira
Pragmatic Wisdom

As a social science researcher and emigration therapist, in private practice , I specialize in the study and therapeutic treatment of ambiguous loss