Sorry, Gen Z, But Life IS About Work

It is just that we were raised to believe it is not

Tristan Tell
Pragmatic Wisdom


Blonde woman in a swimsuit meditating in front of the ocean.
Loe Moshkovska via Pexels

There’s no fancy way to put it: Gen Z is lazy. Believe me, I am one of them.

Many of us grew up in a privileged position. Instead of having to focus on salary, we can pick a career that resonates with our values, of which the most common one seems to be a healthy “work-life balance”.

True, there’s more to life than slaving away for a corporation that gives zero effs about us. But where we go wrong is our definition of “life”.

To consume or not to consume

When a friend tells me they want a job that provides them with “as much free time as possible”, I ask them “What for?” The usual replies are:

  • “Watch more Netflix”
  • “Use TikTok without feeling guilty”
  • “Play video games all day long”

Your first instinct may be to label our whole generation as lazy. But there’s more to it. You have to understand that we grew up (and still live) in a world that constantly screams at us to seek pleasure: eat more junk food, party wilder, watch more TV shows, play more video games, and have more sex. The consequence is that GenZ has developed a strictly hedonistic worldview:

